
I have a live in housekeeper and she receives a salary in addition to room and board, because she is not a slave. What if your employer said he wasn't going to pay you for the time you were at work because he was giving you a place to be during the day. This is some Bullshit, and these people are asses!

I have no sympathy for these people. They moved a homeless person into their home so they could get something for nothing, room & board = $0, thus insuring she was forever beholding to them. Some times bad things happen to the asshats who deserve it.

Oh now you've done it you tried to hurt my feelings - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

We don't live in the world you imagine, I wish we did, but we don't.

Guess what, my daughter is gay AND I've know it since she was 3!

Some woman, when shopping for intimate apparel, do not want a man in the women's dressing room. If you have a penis, you are a man, no matter how you self identify. This IS the reality that the shop owners/women/whomever are responding to and trying to address, whether you like it our not.

You know less than nothing about anything, including being a parent.

Oh goody, now you are starting up with the "shaming and judging" thing.

Lord, you folks can make some shit up fast.


I'm not going to argue with you about something that I did not say; problem solved.

This is a women's issue, and I am a woman. If you don't like what I have to say just keep it moving.

Here is the problem: Your life experience does not extend beyond you and what you want.


No, trans women are still men (as long as they have a penis) who are becoming women, post op they are women. You may disagree, but that is the crux of the problem.

Oh, is that what I said...


I realize this maybe hard for you to grasp, but no matter how fast you spin them the facts will not change. She was not denied service, nor was she miss treated. Perhaps, the salesperson should have said "oh, take this larger room since you have some one with you" to spare her feelings, never the less this does not

No, sorry not going there with you.

A woman does not have a penis.