
This one is ready; you may proceed.

Not "good for them;" they are there to learn, they can express their personal style at home.

This is the result of "magical thinking."

Lesson learned: Don't wear Spanx and a skirt to a protest.

I got that one correct on the SAT.

That sure is special. You are a success at your job if the kids you work with show up for their probationary meetings. Moreover, if they get out of hand they are already two steps from the jail house door so you have an out. Compare that with public school teachers who are subject to a steady stream of criticism for

I live in Southeast Asia, and no one I know eats food products manufactured in China if they can help it; not even my friends who are from China. According to my friends the wealthy in China will not consume food products or medicine manufactured in their own country.

I agree it should, but it does not; so now you are back to dealing with reality. I'm sorry, but sometimes young adults have to learn to deal with things the way they are, not how they want them to be.

I am "pro-accepting the responsibility for the choices you make and the consequences, and not crying 'this is not fair' when things work out the way everybody except you knew they would!" If she thinks that she is making a 'well reasoned and a reasonable decision' to work without medical insurance, knowing that she


She has chosen a career with no medical insurance and no stable income, that will doubtless make her "rich, rich, rich;" therefore it is her problem.

No. What I am saying is, "You do not know what you are talking about so please be quiet."

Oh, I'm so bad...

So you already know you don't have what it takes to be a teacher; just hush, you are embarrassing yourself.

Sometimes life gives you a hint; it's time to make another career choice!

I thought they said "Porn makes you rich, rich, rich!" Why then is begging for money from other people? Isn't this just a consequence of the career path she has chosen freely?

You have just stumbled on to one of the joys of Jez; entertaining the opinions of people with little or no actual experience or knowledge.