
Lord, you can't win with these bitches.

I know men are not bullet proof!

My Dear Rhianna...

That penis is horrifying.

I guess the women of Columbia grew tired of waiting for their white knight to appear; FINALLY!

Beyonce stood by and watched her sister smack her husband around; girlfriend did not blink.

He sure has got a pretty mouth...

Sure it starts here, but this is where it ends up...

These are the eyes of a man who has done the wrong thing, too many times.

These are the eyes of a very, very, angry Black woman; jewelry cannot fix that.

...but will there be any touching and rubbing?

Funny how people are always uncomfortable with women acting to protect themselves.

Alright now, somebody is going to mess around and get 'Unfriended!'

Lawd have mercy people — It's a vagina, not a pocket!

This must be the work of the devil, it's just so clever.

Oh my, a crack in the Beyonce brand veneer...let the games begin.

Maybe she has seen it all before.

Hey not feeling the respect and compassion for this guys position. What happened to the "my opinion is just a valid as your's and you must respect it" rule? You people are just being mean...HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!