
I'm going to need her to stop right about now.

Calm down it's just entertainment.

I guess he's got 99 problems and Solange is 1-98.

Humans are just a bad idea run amuck.

Oh god!

Do people really think they can wave a gun at the police and not get killed?

It's not a date. Women who are having sex for money are not having dates they are "turning tricks."

Of course, AND money is all that matters!

Using good judgment is not a crime.

They are on their way, and my daughter is among those helping to lead the charge!

Books? You do know they keep "ideas" inside those things, and we simply cannot have children learning to think. My god can you imagine, they might get "ideas" of their own!

I want this!

Truth be told, women and girls are treated as little more than chattel property in Nigeria. While we are upset and angered at a perceived denial of these girls freedom, the reality is that these girls have no real freedom and/or control over their won lives. In a country where girls are routinely abused, mutilated,

What the fuck is wrong with you? Stop what you are doing take your ass home and go back to bed.

Thank you, but I am going to have to think about that for a few hours/days.

Sarah Palin, oh yeah like I give a fuck about what that stupid cunt has to say!

Ok, I am not a troll, I am however quite a bit older than much of this crowd. I am also the very proud parent of a LGBTQ aka gender terrorist young adult, so please don't take offense. I'm only asking because I really want to know and understand gender issues. What does "non-traditional, "butch" cis straight woman"