
No sorry, still not feeling you, and neither are billions of people of color around the globe.

Really, must I remind you about the "Small Pox Blankets?"

Would that I could disagree with your assessment of the "average America;" alas I cannot.

What the fuck is a Dowton Abbey? (Googling...) Oh hell no, did you really site a TV show as historical evidence? Stop watching TV and open a goddamn history book for christ's sake! For the record, no matter how badly white Brits were treated it was STILL better than they and/or their betters ever treated people of

Women and girls are treated as little more than chattel property in Nigeria. As such this is merely a property dispute, and of course the government must protect the rights of these fathers to mutilate, exploits, and sell their own daughters.

Starting with the British, where did they go that they did not bring death and destruction?

You know what I mean, don't be an asshat unless of course you are then carry on!

As the proud parent of a gender terrorist I say, "Raise your glass to the 'Genderless Generation!'"

Seriously, I love the way white people make up things to be afraid of; the truth be told not much is scarier than the shit white people have done throughout history. If they had any sense they would be afraid of each other.

Well let me get this party started: I don't give a good goddamn if a woman gets an abortion because she can't find maternity clothes to match the color of her car. If a woman doesn't want a child, I don't want her to a have a child. And if you don't have a uterus, "Shut your fucking face, it's none of your business

I'm not believing this shit.

This is my shelter baby, Fibonacci; he is a "pure" ball of love.

Hell, I'd rather be a suicide bomber than a teacher in America's public school system.

I can't believe people are still willing to be teachers; you couldn't pay me enough to get me to spend my day with other people's badass children.

With this crew how could you expect anything more...

Just mention how dumb she is and...

Is that a damn Vespa Scooter?

No, it's none of that; I just think you don't know what you are talking about, but feel free to keep at it.