
Am I in a socio-historic era I don't know about.

Keaton's broad smile fixes. "I have nothing to say about that. Except: I believe my friend."

Do you hear yourself?

Do you mean kind of like this guy does?

Thank you but I am fully aware of what the tuition and fees are for the schools you listed. What do you think the tuition is at Amherst, Vanderbilt, Harvard, Yale, any out of state public university, etc.? All universities offer financial aid and private institutions typically offer more to offset their higher

We recently completed the college selection process for our daughter, I can tell you what we and other parents at our school found with the assistance of school counselors. Personally I am not bothered by anyones choice of university, unlike some here, I just hope they make a fully informed and well considered choice

True, but it's far easier to obtain this information from women's colleges, I can't imagine why.

Is it ok for me to call Annette a stupid cunt?

I'm glad you feel that way and hope you help your child make the best choice for their future. However, it's not about inoculating or hiding, it is about getting an education in an environment that supports you as a young woman.

The links are there, do your own homework Norma or not.

Auburn University and The University of Tennessee. Both of these schools had programs as part of campus living, as an RA the materials we used for both genders covered topics from drugs & alcohol, reproductive health, date rape, personal safety, etc. on a monthly basis.

Well, why don't you offer up the names of some of these schools with proven track records on issues relevant to the health, safety, and well being of women on campuses instead of taking jabs at me? Because that is what I did, offered up a list of schools with an interest in protecting the rights of female students.

Ok I will accept that. So if you believe that young men are being taught to rape, why on earth would you want your daughter/son to attend a college that actively encourages the rape culture through it's deliberate and continued violations of the rights of female students? Seriously.

Yes I have, as part of my daughter's college selection process. Interestingly, the women's colleges had the information readily available. In sharp contrast, our high school counselors had little or no success getting the exact same information from several of the schools appearing on the list of 55.

Look at the title, do you think...never mind your either can't or you don't.

Ok, I'll play. Who is teaching them to rape?

Whatever gets you through one side and out the other whole.

Thank you for that happy thought, but we also need to recognize and understand that theses schools are being investigated for deliberately violating Title IV and in many instances acting intentionally to coverup and conceal sexual assaults against women on their campus. That I am afraid doesn't sound nearly so sweet.