
Maybe I'm confused but that's what I thought this was about finding safe and empowering schools for young women. Instead I get every other wacko talking about hiding from men, as though considering your personal safety and finding a female positive environment is an irrational act when selecting a college in today's

"...but porn is good!" just click your heels together three times then spin around chanting "porn is good" until you fall over and vomit, because that is how good porn is.

You do that. I however, am suggesting that young women make an informed choice when they select their college. Each of the 55 schools under federal investigation represent at least one or more young women who could not have know all the facts that might impact their educational choice. How do I know this, because

Girl please, I don't have time for your foolishness. Get yourself some counseling, you definitely need it if you are still resenting your mother after 20 years. When you spend a lifetime putting the interests of someone else before your own, maybe you will have something to say about the sacrifices and choices

If Cyrus had such a sever reaction to antibiotics it was most likely caused by the presence of 'other drugs' in her system which she failed to disclose to doctors. Antibiotics combined with illegal drugs can be deadly.

Are you trying to say you are actually believing this version of reality?

For the millionth time, "No."

Oh, so that is what you meant by saying women are compromising "academic standards and goals" to attend schools like Wellesley, Spelman, Barnard, and Smith.

You think I actually bothered to read that crap? I didn't!

My original statement was clear, straight forward and to the point. I do not understand your need to reinterpret my statement. You clearly cannot focus and instead want to spin-off on an endless number of inferred and implied tangents of your own making. As if that were not enough, you accuse me of insulting you by

"I think it's all about finding the best fit for the student," which means what? Oh I see, you don't actually know what you are talking about.

Clearly you know nothing about women's colleges or reality.

Lets get real, shall we.

Line the 62 moronic seniors up in the hall, let the janitors piss on them, and make the newly knighted piss ants clean it up with paper towels; that should put shit in perspective for them.

That is truly unfortunate. I find the very idea of living and learning around individuals who have somehow missed the very basic lesson of respecting women absolutely repugnant. Moreover, that colleges would conspire in creating and fostering such an environment to me is inexcusable. That said, it would seem all the

Why are you here?

I'm sorry.

Choosing a college is about finding a supportive living and learning environment. Do you honestly believe the 55 colleges under investigation are providing that for their female students? I don't, so why not encourage young women to consider colleges that will provide a healthy environment for them?
