
You do that, meanwhile...

No, I think we know 'who' the problem is, we also know there has been little or nothing done about the problem. Moreover, any changes that are likely to come about will not happen until each of the above named schools spends a few million and at least a decade trying to deny/protect the problem.

First, you didn't answer my question even though you insisting on participating in this discussion. Second, don't reinterpret and misconstrue my original statement to fit your agenda, you are not the Times-Picayune. Finally...we shall just leave it there.

All I am saying is choose wisely.

I can tell you from experience when I entered college in 1981 that the messages such as "not just no-is-no, but only-yes-is-yes and drunk or drugged-yes-is-still-no" were being taught. I think the problem may in fact be that young men are either not listening anymore or they simply do not care. I'm not sure what

I know you cannot be talking to me, because no where did I state "that they protect women from rape." What I said is that there is an epidemic, there does not appear to be a solution forth coming, and there is an alternative to waiting for things to change. Women's colleges offer an excellent alternative in part

You are correct women's colleges are not an automatic safe haven, but they do provide a better support system for young women.

Would you risk your daughters wellbeing waiting for that change to happen at any of these 55 colleges?

"The women's LAC may technically be better at reporting things..." and your problem with that is what exactly?

This is not about men, it is about women and providing an environment that is supportive of them. Do you think the institutions named in this federal investigation are doing that?

Yes, and it has been known to rain when the sun is shinning but that like your comment has nothing to do with the epidemic of sexual assaults against women by men taking place at our institutions of higher learning which has lead to the current federal investigation.

This is not the 1700's women's colleges are not cloistered. They are vibrant academic environments that seek to meet the needs of young women while putting their wellbeing first. You should visit this century before passing judgment.

Jane, this is not about avoiding men, it is about getting an education in a safe learning environment that provides positive support for young women.

My answer is young women putting their safety and wellbeing first.

It is not about avoiding men, rather is about being in an environment that is proactive and supportive of women.

"This is about TEACHING BOYS NOT TO RAPE." Really AND how is that working out for young women?

Do you think she would have received more or less support had she been a Notre Dame student?

At the very least women's colleges are interested in protecting their female students, can you say the same about these 55?

Thank you, but this is still some dumb shit!

Why do we continue to pretend young women are safe at our nations colleges and universities when they clearly are not? This epidemic of violence against women will not end overnight, if at all. There are alternatives, I urge parents and prospective female students to consider their options carefully.