
You are expecting far to much from Ari.

Prostate cancer is fake. Suck it up guys, we don't want to hear about your phantom dick pains!

Try to think, it will only hurt the first few times.

America, elevating stupid people to ever increasing heights.

America deserves this.

Ooooooooooooooooooo, them bitches are coming for you en masse; I'm out!

True, moreover, I'm not sure Jez commenters understand the need for the social contract that necessarily follows from people using their collective and/or individual judgement.

What does not "affect" other people?


If you are not going to "judge and shame" people you are going to have a hard time setting and enforcing ethical standards. After all who's standards should we use?

You have failed at irony, however you may take solace in knowing you have succeeded marvelously at stupid.

What is wrong with you tacky ass people, if you are going to crash a wedding bring a cash gift or alcohol for the couple.

We crashed a wedding in India, and had the best time; of course we had the good taste and sense to give the bride and groom a cash gift.

Too bad Donald Sterling didn't get this memo.

To be clear, Sterling doesn't have a problem owning Black people, he just doesn't want to be around Black people; how very American of him.

So to summarize, Sterling doesn't have a problem owning Black people, he just doesn't want to be around Black people; how very American of him.

Yes how dare they be poor in public; we don't want to see that.

No doubt similar to the rationalization at work in the minds of women who continue to buy these brands.

Yes well as long as women keep buying these brands...