
"Any rapist would feel pretty dang upset to see his car packed full with rotting fish heads and limburger cheese...Also, if the 542 women responsible were crowded onto the street where he lived, insisting that he move himself and his stinky car to another locale.

Nobody likes to be pelted with 2060 bloody tampons."

I found this an interesting read on sexual violence in the gay community. I think it offers some insight on the issues that are raised in the instant case. I really wish organizations in the LGBTQ community would step forward and address these issues. It saddens me to think that this level of violence and

Life is just wasted on some people.

I hate to agree with you, BUT...

It's not, they just haven't lived long enough to know better. They have no idea the damage they are doing to themselves as well as other women, and if they do I suspect they don't care. Many of them have been convinced that engaging in the most degrading behavior at the behest of men is empowering and liberating as

Choices have consequences whether you like them or not, and here in the adult world nobody is going to listen to you whine. This young woman will have to deal with whatever consequences flow from her choices. If she is too damn dumb to learn from the mistakes of others and/or those who know better well Boo Fucking

Some people fail to understand that while anything can be done some things simply should not be done. Like two year olds, it is hard to break these people out of their oxygen staved bubble of self-centeredness.

I asked my mom, she said "HELL NO!"

I am 50, and I know for a fact the bitch has not been funny in the last 40 years!

AMEN, AMEN, AND AMEN! I'm a so tired of stupid people misstating the law for their own purposes.

Nice try, but you can't tell these children anything.

Get the fuck out of here!

Yes, I thought we had established that this dumb bitch was dumb; guess not.

I guess the pay gap starts earlier then we thought.

That's some deep logic at work.

"When 52 percent of the movie ticket-buying public are female..." Here is the lesson: Money talks people; as long as you keep buying this bullshit they will keep selling it to you in barrels.

Money makes you too fucking evil to die; who knew?

Fuck it, I'm out!