
Most local police must refer matters back to the campus police, as they are often required to per the state law that grants power to colleges and universities.

"because JESUS..." you just hate that, don't you.

Wow it's been eight years, and the bitch is STILL not funny!


What, you think the police can't beat your ass just because they want to? The police privilege even trumps 'white privilege.'

"I am a strong woman... I have a WEAK MIND!"

What you don't like reality of what happens to women? Stop sitting on your ass do something about it.

Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. — Garrison Keillor

I see that struck a nerve...

Does anyone out there know a berakhah or tefillah to save Drake from this?

Kelly should walk right up to that fat motherfucker and kick him in the nuts...twice; just for fun.

That's where you are wrong. Sorry, but I didn't get the memo that said I had to spend my life being a victim. So no "poor me" it's "poor him." Just so you know, I wouldn't bother tossing it out the window so it could be reattached, I'd put it through the blender and solve everybody's problem.

Seriously, this is not the World Ballroom Competitions, it's a TV show with B-list celebs. Yet somehow you have managed to turn it into a personal crusade against one woman choosing to live her life the way she wants — that is what I call amazing, astounding even. Sorry, but I don't have a shovel or boots high enough

You say whatever you need to say to make you feel good about yourself.

Wow, I had no ideal that when I drank a big "RAPE ME!" sign appeared above my head; I'm going to try and get a selfie of that.