
Now we get to it, this is about Jesus.

'Required elements" did I miss something; is this the Olympics?

Why, because you say so? You have a public persona - "letstalkaboutit". I'm sure we could gather up all the footage from the cameras you pass everyday, add in your public posts and could make a nice little show about YOU.

I love this movie!

Guess what; some things are just not your business, no matter what you may think. But if you insist on your right to know, you go first— please post your photo, work history, address, medical history and credit report below so that we may all begin picking apart your public persona. Why? Because we want to know and

According to the SCOTUS you have little or no right to privacy when you are in public. So shall we begin to scrutinize your life?

We are all, to a certain extent, public people, that does not give the people we encounter the right to know everything about us. Does your employer need to know the color of your underwear, your preferred method of birth control, wether you've had an abortion? You are out in public, after all, and you represent them,

Public or private person, transitioning or not, Jenner is entitled to keep the parts of his life that he chooses to himself for whatever reason he chooses. As for everyone else who is not him...

Music concerts and Human Rights e.g. the subjugation and negative treatment of women in media are not morally, socially, or otherwise equivalent or relevant, but like I said, "You are a guy." So we are cool, OK?

No, it simply means that how women are treated in film or otherwise has no direct impact on your life and the way you must live, thus you are free to treat the issue in as caviler a manner as you might like.

No. No. No. We cannot have women thinking they can do what they want based upon their own beliefs and desires.

This is simple: A women who does not choose to objectify herself for the entertainment of others must be defective, sexually repressed, dumb, etc.. If she is half naked and grunting like Miley, that is ok, but if she is not and has the nerve to say she is not "because she thinks other things are more important, or

This women has set her standards and is living by them. Everyone here that is bitching about how she chooses to express herself are the ones uncomfortable with her sexuality.

You are using the forums you have access to as a tool for selling your views as well; we all do.

You are a guy.