
That is the point, women will buy it if it's labeled fashion or art, but god forbid we have to look at the real life carnage that results from the objectification and degradation of women...

Sorry to offend, perhaps you would prefer one of these decapitated women...

Women in all walks of life pay the price for the acceptance of these images by the mainstream...

This has been going on since 2010...

Jez readers want to talk about the rape culture well here it is... The truth is not always pretty. Do you think what Richardson did to these women was pretty because it resulted in some nice pictures instead of crime scene photos for the police blotter?

Now don't you worry your pretty little head with all those pesky moral dilemmas and ethical quandaries...

Next time I will save the outrage. In fact in my next life I plan to adopt just such an attitude, "It ain't me, so why should I give a fuck!" You know that has a nice ring to it, just sort of rolls right off the tongue. Thanks for the life lesson.

I saw this and immediately thought of you...

Oh, the profundity.

One fashion insider says agencies "know full well Richardson's predatory behavior," but that he "is tolerated because the industry folk are just sheep. There are only a handful of photographers who have the power, a handful of editors who have the power, and a handful of clients who have the power. Everyone else just

Where do you draw the line?

You keep at it, you'll get there...

It could be...or not...

I can, and you appear to be a fine example of it.

"I really want fast food socks to go with my Oxfords and loafers," You're shitting me Sherlock?

Read on, you might learn something...

I wish it were just about a magazine, but it is not, that does not mean that we can't start somewhere instead of sticking our heads back in the sand. Maybe you don't buy the magazine, but you buy the products advertised in the magazine, those dollars are paid over to the industry including people like Terry.

1. I am a feminist, and have been one for most of my life. I picked up the banner when I was 7, after being told I had to help wash dishes while my brothers played outside. Being a feminist is not something you pick up and put down when it is inconvenient for you the Jez reader, e.g. I really want those new Lululemon