
So we are playing let's pretend...

Really, you call me a troll and now you want to play nice?

Case in point: Take a second, go back and review Jez's coverage of Lena Dunham in Vogue. See e.g.

Deflection instead of accepting personal responsibility, way to play to the Jez crowd.

"And, what's more, this 'precious' body, the very same that is hooted and honked at, demeaned both in daily life as well as in ever existing form of media, harrassed, molested, raped, and, if all that wasn't enough, is forever poked and prodded and weighed and constantly wrong for eating too much, eating too little, a

We all make choices, pretending those choices have no impact on the real world is just that pretending.

Who are you kidding, women are exercising agency when they let a guy jerk off in their face but they should not accept the same level of responsibility for their consumer choices and their continuing support of an industry that tells them to destroy themselves?

Are you angling for another hug?

Oh, yes Jez is fashion without bullshit...

I see, the bullshit is about to get deep in here, pardon me while I grab my boots...

Thanks, but I don't buy fashion/women's mags. I stopped over 25 years ago, when I decided I didn't want to spend the rest of my life hating myself and other women.

Let me just cut through the BULLSHIT: When YOU, Jez consumers, buy these magazines and the products they advertise YOU, Jez consumers, are supporting an industry that degrades and objectifies women, and YOU, Jez consumers, are enabling the Terry Richardson's of the world.

I live in Southeast Asia, and yes the government is taking a conservative approach. However, you simply cannot tell people what you do not know. This type of media spinning (popular in the US) only creates false hope and may well place people in danger.

You got to give the people, now!

Thanks Paris, but I have no desire to smell like sewage waste water; you keep at it though!

I don't like cats, never have, and never will (yes, I prefer my pets dimwitted and slobbery) BUT this cat needs to be saved from these STUPID FUCKING PEOPLE!

What happened to the "No Shaming, No Judging" bullshit? Do I smell judgment, the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions, in the air?!

Jez posters seem have a sublet way of repeatedly pointing out that they think "standard" equals "normal." Is it just me, or do some of theses posters seem to be saying larger women should not wear the same types and styles of clothes as smaller women? That's really fucked coming from a group of psudo-femenist who