
Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men, Michael Kimmel

Clearly, these two are sharing a brain; let's just hope their gene pool is not viable.

I think the prohibition against "cleavage and stiletto heels" would apply equally to men.

Never punch a man, instead grab him by the nuts, squeeze, and twist. Follow it up with a quick kick to his knee, thus insuring he will never forget his mistake.

"Walk of Shame," is this really a thing ? I have to ask, "Why do you care what other people, who don't even know you, think?" Moreover, shouldn't the people who do know you accept you for who you are, OR are you planning to spend the next 50 years of your life living a lie?

I have traveled that road as well, stay strong.

Just so we are clear, you are just talking because you don't know shit about having a baby or raising one...I should have known.

I learn something new every day, thanks!

"Children are wonderful and their way into this world is amazing..." you don't say?! Having given birth after being invaded by an alien for 9+ months, and having raised said ailen to adulthood, I feel more than qualified to offer an opinion in response to your comment. Children, no matter how much you love them, are

Call it what it is, "Insert Dick Here"


Thank god!

Making lemonade...go for you!

Unless you are a child, no one is going to appreciate you crying in the workplace.

I am a woman.

I'll keep this brief: "DIE MOTHERFUCKER, DIE!"

Fresh out of law school I found myself in a difficult position with a lazy secretary. After I criticized her poor work and repeated lateness, she went to my male boss and cried. I was called in for a meeting with her and my boss, where she sat doe eyed and tearful. I fired her. My boss was stunned, and later remarked

NO, NO, NO! No one in your office cares is your are "over stimulated," under feed, or dying in your cubical; there is no crying at work. You have a job to do, and unless crying is in the description, save it for your pillow.

How are you going to sue someone because you are a dumbass?