
Who cares? The parents of every LGBTQ child that is who cares, and I am proud to count myself among them!

Nice legal maneuvering guys!

Ka$hO tops my list.

This Day In Dumb White Bitch History Presents: Lily Allen

Thank you.

What the FUCK, did his asshole grow teeth?


Jonsnowgirlfriend — If you could make the same amount of money (+benefits/flexibility) doing something else would you still 'choose' sex work/stripping (I'm not sure which of these is the correct term)?

Don't I know it! I don't know who they think is falling for that "I'm so weak and frail, poor me" routine, but in truth, I suspect they are far more ruthless and dangerous than white men.

White women love him, they don't care about what he has done. His victims are the wrong color, so they can just laugh it off. At the same time they expect women of color to get upset every time one of them gets drunk, follows a couple of black athletes home like a dog running after a bone and they can't find their

Oh gee whiz...

How do we do it; the billions of us who get through life every day without being drunk or high? Maybe we are doing something wrong.

I wonder if he has the kind of nerve to make it about white girls. White women's (i.e. Jez posters) heads will explode with rage; I want a front row seat.

I love the Diaspora!

BTW: The word is "beat" not "beet."

This BITCH is not funny!

FOOD! Please god, don't let it touch me...

So this is what food looks like...

Imagine all the panic attacks it inspired among this lot; Xanax for all!