
Rape IS RAPE. It is a crime of violence and rage. There is only a "Sliding Scale of Rape" for perverts and creepers who want to justify their behavior and the behavior of their friends. It is unfortunate that those same perverts and creepers are STILL in control of our judicial system.

It's just an illusion.

...and when it becomes a bestseller, what then?

While I am not a member of the trans community I can certainly support their desire to tell their own story their own way. I really sucks to have your story co-oped by the majority for their benefit. Only to be told, when you object, that it wasn't about you anyway.

These men hold the power of life and death over these women.

The system does not acknowledge the right of women to exist as independent beings. Under Saudi law,and in practice, all females must have a male guardian, typically a father, brother or husband. Women need their guardian's permission for:

You may not have Lupita, I have already chosen her for my daughter.

Oh For Fuck Sake! Pharrell just put the fucking hat back on, you're scaring the hell out of us!

The Divine Miss M!

The most beautiful sound I ever heard Lupita, Lupita, Lupita, Lupita ...

Liberation in a box!

Me: It might be easier to just kill all the men and start over.

I'm happily married to the same sexy guy for 20+ years, however I still have a special "Sunny Day Fund" because although I can't see the future I know it will cost money.

I'm going to watch "Django" again; I find it best expresses my feelings about white people when confronted once again by this issue.

No they cannot stop confusing the two, especially if it means accepting personal responsibility.

There is nothing wrong with having a "life plan." I have had one since I was 8, and I have one now at 50; guess what, it works. It's one of the ways you can make sure that you as a woman are putting your happiness first (First Rule of Feminism). Moreover, it helps you think trough the long-term consequences of your

Nobody here cares, pleases go whine on somebody else.

You are not my child, therefore I don't have to worry about you living in my basement waiting for me to die so you can have the life I worked for, so by all means carry on!

Allow me to point out the subtext of your thinking: Life is going to kick the shit out of you, try not to act surprised.

Sam grow up.