
Yes, I agree the Brazil shirts are just wrong. However, does real women agreeing to model mean they are entailed to a pass when it comes to contributing to the objectification of ALL women? They may in fact want and enjoy the benefits, but the rest of us are paying the price. Just as all women in Brazil pay the price

Katy Perry is still DUMB.

...but the PacSun shirt is not because those are real women? Are not all T-shirt some form of advertisement? I'm just asking.

"I do agree that she is dumb;" I concur.

Too, bad!

...and I said she is DUMB. You want to to defend her arrogance and stupidity by saying it's not deliberate because... nobody should be offended because... therefore she gets a pass because... BULLSHIT! She is STILL DUMB!

I love LOVE!


Yes, your little bubble where YOU get to decide if others should be offended by the use or misuse of their religious symbols; I think your oxygen flow is low.

Here is my homage to "White Privilege," enjoy...

"Putting aside the racism... " can somebody else get this one, I'm tired already?!

There is a special flavor of deafness among white people; "White Privilege." Although to their credit white liberals try to use it sparingly.

White people think we are an accessory, to be used as needed and/or otherwise dismissed.

Ok, ok, whatever you say...please return to you bubble.

What you want a list? Marrying Russell Brand (HAHAHAHAHA); being anywhere with John Mayer (everybody's sloppy seconds); Kissing Miley post dirty thong eating...

Nice thought, but I prefer to call it "my REAL name."

Loathsome "30-something 'boss'"...

"I didn't know what I was doing because..." Wait, didn't she use that one when she dressed as an asian stereotype, and told people they shouldn't be offended?

What do you want, isn't it obvious that she is just DUMB? Move on people.

Just so we are clear it is not ok for mags to use pictures of celebrity's children, unless the celebrity in question is offering/authorizing them to be used for their own personal benefit/gain...OK.