
And in troop the white liberals to tell us about how they are so happy and such good people because they are not like this guy, and [insert bullshit here] to underscore how they relate to "POCs". Followed by how they are conscious of their "privilege" [insert more bullshit here], but try not to use it. Concluding,

This is Jez, you can't make people beleive things they don't want to beleive; no matter how much proof exist to the contrary.

So let me get this straight the Pac Sun t-shirt featuring real women is ok, and a mother objecting to it is out of line. However, this shirt which involves no actual living women, is not ok and is clearly objectifying women, albeit carton women. Is this where I applaud Brazil?

So you think this was NOT orchestrated by her PR team from the outset? Really, in that case I suggest she fire them at once.


I feel...NOTHING!

What you mean someone is making a mockery of sports?


Why can't bad things happen to bad people?

Fake people do not need real houses.

She should just walk away and be happy she doesn't have a STI.

First Rule of Feminism: Your happiness should always come first.

You just didn't know him, and you still don't.

Nope, not allowed; these two must remain together forever — it is a matter of public health and safety.

I think he meant "Hostess" —A woman who receives or entertains guests in a social or official capacity.

Isn't this the point where the rape apologist/MRAs show up and say this sort of thing only happens in India or not at all?

Is he gone for good? Please people, do not let him back in — PLEASE!

"You can dismiss it as naive..." Yes, I did do that didn't I — Thank you for noticing.