
You have put forth this augment on several occasions; it is however incorrect. Sure in an ideal world resources are unlimited, however on this planet resources are always limited and often fixed. Therefore there is a need to prioritize. I realize to many that sounds too much like making a judgment, and god forbid you


"The navel gazing of today's feminist movement is exhausting;" TRUTH!

Being a Feminist is not about just what you say, but more importantly it is about what you do.

Don't have a child for anyone but yourself; not for your parents, his parents, or him. No matter what happens the child will be your sole responsibility, ask any woman with children who has gone through a divorce; you are a bad mother if you don't want custody, you are a terrible woman if you want child support, YOU

Don't want kids, don't have kids. I don't want your kids. You don't want your kids. Nobody wants your damn kids. Don't have kids!

Children are the leading cause of divorce.

Welcome to this week in "Dumb Bitch History."

Because Freedom Can't Protect Itself!

Philistines and Morons!

"Since then I've always thought that under rape in the dictionary it should tell the truth. It is not just forcible intercourse; rape means to inhabit and destroy everything."
Alice Sebold (Lucky)

"Even at 16 I knew my crack wasn't supposed to show;" that 'bares' repeating, some people STILL have not gotten that memo!

This movie produced an entire generation of smug insufferable know it alls; Gee Thanks!

“I did all that I can, It’s not about the gold medal. It’s about the fact that I participated in the Olympics for the second time.” Yuna Kim said after the competition. Yuna personifies the true Olympic spirit; others would do well to reconsider their definition of sportsmanship and grace.

I didn't not agree with that specific comment. I did however agree with and star certain other comments. You see that is how it works in the adult world; you can comment on what you like, and leave the rest to others.

Ok, whatever you say.
BTW: Guess who had the base components in her programs to compete with those top three...

So you have missed ALL the stories with Wagner doing the "whiney bitch thing" all over the media? Well good for you; YOU WIN THE GOLD MEDAL (your national anthem of choice will follow shortly)!

Sotnikova shut it down! This young lady has it all and a gold medal to go with; BRAVA!

Don't watch the show. Don't know who she is, BUT she's my kind of gal! I love an uncompromising, ruthless, unapologetic bitch in heels plus her hair looks great!

People engage in "magical thinking" when it comes to issues of porn and prostitution because the want to justify their own behavior. They like it, they want it, and they really don't care about the people involved. Saying the exploitation of women in the form of porn/prostitution is not "candy, rainbows, and unicorns"