
So this is today's pressing issue; REALLY?!

I'm sure they reached their target market.


Americans do not want to hear about her behavior or the mountain of DNA and other evidence that placed her at the scene and underscored her involvement. Americans only care that she is white, middle class and attractive by their standards.

Book banning...

This is the scariest cat in the history of the world, and yet he is so damn cute!

Shouldn't you be throwing up a meal right about now?

In making a joke I chose to treat this forum with the precise amount of respect it is due in light of the way it was handling this topic; that amount of respect being less than or equal to none!

Let me be clear: Jenner's gender identity, real or imagined, should not be discussed in the media. I am amazed that you and yours seem incapable of understanding this, moreover that you would go to such great lengths to defend it. Everything is not about you and what you think you have the right to know; perhaps if

Jenner's name appears in every paragraph (except 2) and it appears 16 times; but it's not about him — ok if you say so.


This is exploitation plain and simple; she put the man's name in the headline just to garner attention for this nonsense. Further, I know of no one who would want such a private matter, whether true to not, handled in this manner. The fact that he is a celebrity, or that every other media outlet is no excuse. This

With any luck Zimmerman will be beaten to death before it can be stopped.

Well, I guess it is rather sensative of you to speculate about a clearly private matter, specifically someone's gender identity, in a public forum. Kudos for you.

Well, I guess it is rather sensative of you to speculate about a clearly private matter, specifically someone's gender identity, in a public forum. Kudos for you.

Oh is that what you think you are doing?

I am not mocking transgender people. You and this silly person's minions are however elevating tabloid fodder to fact, which is reprehensible. If you want to seriously discuss transgender transiting you can do so without dragging this man through it. And yes I made a joke, because this forum in this instance is a

Wow really, you make it to the main page and now you are the thought police.