
He might as well transition, Kris has his balls in her purse and she's not giving them back.

Thus begins the extinction of mankind; we so deserve this.

Please for the love of god, somebody put the stake back!

Fuck that, let's just enslave the mentally challenged; starting with the GOP/Nutbaggers!

“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”
Elie Wiesel

If you want to go that way; I would say do it for both men and women — being irresponsible is not gender specific.

He's like somebody's crazy little brother; mine!

Are you just angry because no one will fuck you?!

Maybe, but Feminist are not trying to have sex with MRAs.

At the risk of pissing off everybody here I must ask, "Who gets pregnant by a guy you've known for 7 months?" Really people, children are not pawns for screwing other people's lives up. Just because you are happy about it doesn't mean you can force another person to be. What happened to agency — and don't give me that

Vasectomy; problem solved.

Always trust your instincts.

Sweet Jesus, what the hell happened to her?!

Only if you agree to read it in French.

This explains that smell some of you have when you get caught in the rain. Thanks for the insight.

Most of the time men are exactly what you think they are, but wished they weren't!

35 years ago I was forced to read Les Misérables in the original French; I have never recovered.

Oh look how clever they are, and February is just around the corner. REALLY, White people...

Paul Williams, good to see you man!

Mind your business people, mind your own FUCKING BUSINESS!