
You know what if I had the time and the energy I could create a photo comparison for every dress worn by every white woman on the red carpet, but who has time for that shit — Oh yeah white editors of magazines who can't stand it that a Black woman, who in no way could be mistaken for white, could be so fabulous,

I just love how people try to rationalize and explain away bad behavior i.e. How much damage could it do, it's just eggs? Who gives a fuck, do you want your shit jacked up by some asshole - NO! People are so busy trying not judge other peoples actions, they are really starting to sound stupid. Asshat broke the law,

They reworked the entire schedule, so that my daughter and 8 other girls could take AP Computer science - they all scored a 5 on the exam. They also fired the counselor who said to my daughter that she was such a pretty girl why did she want to study something so hard. Sometimes you have to just push people, and if

Having raised a daughter who loves science, math, robotics, and computers I can tell you that girls are actively discouraged from taking these courses. Unless you are proactive as a parent and insist that your child get the classes they want, teachers, counselors, and administrators will conspire to keep girls out of

Show me a new silhouette on the red carpet in the past 10 years and I'll give you a quarter.

A New White Face is more like it. Mirai would have been a returning Olympic competitor, who's performances have consistently improved in an Olympic Year but I guess that narrative wasn't good enough.


Kwan earned her place at those Olympics fairly, unlike Wagner.

Without a triple-triple combination Ashley has zero chance of receiving anything other than a free plane ride there and back.

This move is unprecidented and unwarranted.

Michelle Kwan had to be twice as good as her nearest competitor to earn even half the recognition she deserved in the US.

"Wagner did not complete a triple-triple combination jump in either the short or long program here, the minimum required to have any shot at a medal in Sochi."

Bend, change, break the rules — when the ice clears girlfriend has a snowballs chance in hell of making it to the podium at the Olympics.

She is going to lose. THE END!

I see you can't focus.

Please read the NY Times article, perhaps you will understand that the selection of Wagner was clearly inconsistent with past precedent in this sport.

Can you just focus, on these facts and this situation? I know that is what I'm talking about, the selection of US Olympic Women's Singles competitors. In fact that is what the article is about...FOCUS!

The US Olympic Women's Singles competitors have in the past been chosen based on Nationals. The only exceptions were for injury. That is not the case here.

Everybody loves a loser, as long as she is white.

Let's deal with the facts shall we as they actually happened. Mirai won, and earned her spot. Ashely lost and did not earn her spot, but never the less was given Mirai's spot. There is no precedent for such a move based on the facts where no athlete is actually injured and unable to compete.