
Stop, you are making me laugh. Kerrigan was not even close to Kwan in terms of athletic accomplishment.

Behold, Lupita!

Do you want the "She is" or the "She is not list?"

and so much more!

If you insist on talking you should at least know the facts. Specifically those instances involved an injured athlete. Mirai won and she is not injured. Ashley lost and she was NOT injured.

'92 Olympic Champion: Kristi Yamaguchi was the first American woman to win the Olympics in figure skating since 1976. Yamaguchi competed in pairs skating with partner Rudy Galindo. In 1989, she became the first woman, in thirty-five years, to win two medals, one in singles and one in pairs, at the U.S. nationals. Love

Michelle Kwan is considered a figure skating legend and is the most decorated figure skater in U.S. history. But you wouldn't really know it with the way people go on, and on, and on, and on about Kerrigan.

Nitwit lover?

America loves a white girl ice skating, it just completes the bullshit narrative so nicely.

There are only so many ways you can show seven characters having sex (e.g. random, violent, depressed, etc.), eventually you are going to have to come up with a real story and substantive dialogue; this could be the moment.

Please, do not romanticize men who pay to see women degraded.

Yes, and lets face it that is not a good looking dress; those breast cups look like egg cartons.

Lena has a beautiful body. In this dress, however, Lena's body is going one way and the dress is going another. The bust is tortured, and appears to be eating her underarms.

The fitting is all wrong.

For my money it sounds like he represents his target market pretty well; scumbags hanging with scumbags!

A 13 year old was forced to dance and prostitute herself and people about talking about the quality of the clubs in Miami? JESUS!

And what would you call the guys who pay you see it?

This would be a good time for a really sharp cheese knife.