
Who the FUCK cares what a man wants?! It is 2013, if a guy can't handle reality why the hell are you wasting your time with him? JFC — I thought we settled this back in the 80's.

I love dog! When I'm home in the US you can't keep me away from them. When however, I am traveling in Southeast Asia, which has a serious rabies problem, I give all dogs a wide birth. I love walking so I encounter lots of dogs wondering the streets. However, as much as I might want to, I don't walk up to strays, no

You know how many times I've heard, "let's teach boys not to rape" and how is that working? It's NOT! That is the point, unless and until men/boys change their behavior girls need to be encouraged to stay away from them. Why must girls continue to sacrifice themselves so boys can have a teachable moment.

Grow the FUKC up, young girls are being hurt and you want to make jokes?!

How many more stories do we have to read like this? As much as we might want to believe otherwise, it is time for adult women to face facts. The boys we knew in high school and college no longer exist. What happened to them I don't know, but we need to start talking to and carefully advising a new generation of young

You are just pretending aren't you?!

No, just NO! She looks like she is storing up nuts for winter.

Who the fukc wants that mess, give me SHOES, SHOES, SHOES!

Fukc having it all, just take the good parts!

"The better to see you with, my dear..."

Are we REALLY this fukcing STUPID?

A solid knee to the balls would put an end to a lot of this bullshit!

I'm getting the distinct impression that men/boys don't think this type of behavior is a REAL PROBLEM!

Love me; DON'T EAT ME!

Excuse me, but do these bones make me look fat?

DAMN, you guys really are this desperate and pathetic...


They should make "Running Up to a Car Window" an Olympic sport for hookers.

That's a man in a dress, a man in an ugly dress, an ugly man in an ugly dress. Could somebody help him with his drag?!