
Oh FFS! We all know this bitch can't write!

Don't tell me it's not real...

That is what is says, but in legalese.

Why do people agree? Because they are oddball worshipers of cele-re-tards; wanna-bes or neverwases; low-rent fame whores or they are just born a Kardashian — amounts to the same thing.

I can't, I just can't.

These people are NOT parents. They do not know what it is like to live every moment of your life worried that something might happen to the most precious person in your life. They think, but they do not know what it means to be willing to give your last breath to protect another person. Every parent who has even

Finally, someone with some common sense responds. This child and her friends lied and schemed and placed themselves in very real danger. We all should be so lucky as to live long enough to "hate" our parents for stopping us from doing something stupid and dangerous!

The kids at school already know what this girl and her friends have been up to.

Yes, well if the child had turned up dead or raped, it would have been all out there for everyone to see now wouldn't it.

Stick to raising plants.

Just like a child, it is all about YOU, and what YOU want, and how YOU feel...parents have it tough enough with out people like you second-guessing them. You don't know what you will do to protect your child until you have one.

I understand, it's hard not to think like a child when you are one, but parents have to see the big picture.

This kind of bullshit makes me really tired of White people!

I'm glad you are not a parent.

Posting this online is better than having to post a missing persons flyer for your kid. Kids go missing every day because of these types of bad decisions; maybe they will stop and think the next time. Parenting is a tough job, it's nice to see someone actually doing it for a change — I tip my hat to the mom!

Stop, just STOP!

If you were not born with a black face it is NOT ok for you to paint one on.

None of these people should be having sex.