
Weiner is a DICK, nothing he does should surprise any sane person at this point!

Kevin Who?

I wonder how dad behaves at home; maybe his wife would appreciate one of those Tasers or a cattle prod.

All this while he has his hand up another woman's skirt.

Are you really trying to tell me that White people don't know other White people behave like this all the time —- You're kidding? Try sitting through years of American history class as a Black person, and listening to this same dumb shit over and over. This is nothing compared to dumb ass shit White people say on a

Her parents must be so proud.


And to think people criticized her mother for wanting her daughter to be something more than a porta-pottie.

America, you trash is STILL on my lawn!

Vile, disgusting, WRETCHED, little creatures.

In Texas we (YOUR ANSWER HERE e.g. chain Black people to the bumpers of cars, call Asians chinks, etc.) but we don't mean it — Well, that just about sums up race relations in America!

Superhero 101.

Well said!

Do us all a favor and put the trash in the bin!

Excuse me White America, but could you get your trash off my lawn?!

Love yourself, you are worthy!

Between that Taylor Twit, Lady Gag Gag, and Miley Syphilis the music has officially died.

FYI: It's not what she has done after, but what she has done before the alleged kidnapping that is raising the red flag.

Can we start a fund to raise money to hire someone to kick Brown's sorry ass?!

Simmons is NOT a man, and we need a couple of real Black men to step up and call him on his B!t.ch.@ssness! Brothers can you hear me? .....(crickets chirping, loudly)