
He DOES NOT care!

Simmons is a vulgar, despicable, money grubbing individual, who's moral compass is pointed up Donald Trump's backside.

Be a strong role model for yourself — when they shut the lid on your coffin you are going to be in there by yourself, so you might as well take up all the room!!!!!!

Even if it was big, who gives a flying flip of a donkey's butt. Your ass is going to get old and you are going to die anyway; so eat the cookies! And for all you lying sacks of "I'm so concerned about someone else's health" freaks; bugger off — your kind of misery doesn't need company!

Love yourself, YOU ARE WORTHY!

That's right we don't. Now, get the fukc out of face and let me eat my donut in peace!

She should have to keep his little wiener home with her!

Russell has spent so much time as Trump's lawn jockey, the sun has caused his brain to seizure!

If you can get the people of fairyland um..."faith" to keep it to themselves; I promise not to curse their stupid asses out!

"I freed thousands of slaves, and could have freed thousands more, if they had known they were slaves."
— Harriet Tubman

Let me guess, you have a magic unicorn named Evelyn.

You can't talk to CRAZY!

It's a cute dress for a 6 year old, she looks ridiculous!

Jenny, take the dress back to "Gymboree," NOW!

"We believe that women should be treated with respect," even if they are dressed like hooker candy corn!

NO! NO! NO! Cher, I'm on my knees honey, begging you PLEASE —Say It Ain't So! Lord, jesus, jesus, JESUS —- I'm melting!

Uncle Bernie, is that you?!

Can somebody piss on Weiner and put him out?!

Dr. Oz is a creepy quack!

Trash has no color.