
I mean... say what you will about the reddit community. I’m not personally part of it. And I know the whole Gamestop thing is complicated. But to stick it to Wall Street hedgefund assholes while simultaneously raising money for holistic ecological conservation... *chef’s kiss*. I love it. I don’t have kids, but if and

You are absolutely correct, the banks DO have the money now. The IRS, through the Federal Reserve, transmitted the funds on Friday March 12. This is why some banks and credit unions could post the money then. Now it may take the larger banks more time to sort out all the payments, but that just says that Monday, or

I love that reasoning. “When race wasn’t important, there were plenty of people of color marrying royals. And by plenty, we mean two or three. And by people of color, we mean people whose ancestors from 400 years earlier were African. And then race became important so they could keep slaves and there was no more

The full size HomePod has features the mini doesn’t have though, such as being able to be used for Dolby Atmos on your AppleTV.

Too bad. I really like my Homepod and think it sounds fantastic. I don’t ever use Siri on it but love listening to music on it in my office as it has such a rich sound. This is such a flooded market though and Google and Amazon were already established as the encumbents in this arena and Apple wasn’t going to break

I knew they didn’t sell incredibly well but this surprises me. I absolutely adore my full sized HomePod. It’s probably my most used gadget second to my iPhone. And the sound quality really cannot be overstated. 

Yeah. I’d like some insight into how he was even prosecuted, let alone convicted, if he had an alibi that could have been confirmed by 1) the credit card issuer for the card you must to have to rent a car or interviews with the people at the Hertz counter. Even if Hertz couldn’t provide a simple receipt (WTF?!), they

Time to forget this pipedream, for good.

Does this add anything that the Disney+ Hulu and ESPN+ bundle did not do before? The few times I checked it out, there wasn’t anything worth watching and no live streaming of the sports I do watch. seems like all they did was make the same content available on Hulu.

You can claim it as a tax credit on this year’s taxes if you haven’t gotten your $600.

Nope. Jezebel keeps barking up this tree with the wrong take. Two credos to live by:

“I fear that reparations would be an excuse for some to say ‘we’ve paid our debt.’”


It is kind of hard to get behind reparations as they come off as “Give me something for the wrongs inflicted on my ancestors”. And ignore the wrongs inflicted on the ancestors of so many other groups.

Eh, don’t really like it, but Judge probably got it right.

Whelp, they can be just as sorry in jail. Fine by me. Then let’s see them navigate the life of an ex-felon what with losing their right to vote, struggling to find a job, or a place to live.

The CDC attempted to use COVID-19 as an opportunity to grab power

You used your position and influence to get a job in congress handed to you. You then proceeded to lose your position, your influence, your ownership stake, and your election. Well done dumbass

It may not be unsafe, but it is bound to be disappointing.  One would get more satisfaction and food with a rotating hotdog and a slurpee.

Mary Magdalene would have had an OnlyFans.