
As a side project, me and a partner have been running COVID testing sites (8 so far). As “healthcare workers” we were able to get vaccines pretty quickly and are trying to get set up with the state as a vaccine distribution site as well. These days, most of the big projects I am on (raising capital) are for black

Just as President Trump popularized “fake news” with autocrats around the globe, now we are seeing regimes adopt the “election fraud” attack against democracy.

As a guy who used to work in GOP politics, but votes Democratic; I get infuriated about how bad Democrats are at taking advantage of political moments and doing something to actually appeal to their constituency.

I’ve always been amazed by people who aren’t just extreme talents, but have truly magnetic personas. Amanda Gorman is one such woman.

I treat people exactly as they treat me.

Well, I echo your agreement with the FBI. And your exasperation! 

I come from a pretty wealthy (but shitty) family and became an emancipated minor at 14. I was lucky to have a good guardian ad litem who really did go to bat for me in the face of a lot of pressure.

My cousin who trades at BlackRock (forex) would go everyday to his terminal and make (educated) guesses. When it went well, awesome. When he was down a certain amount on a day instead, the computer would lock him out and he’d go home to try it again the next day.

This article makes clear that the issue is much larger than any one incident. Plus, the NFL will go to stupid lengths to achieve goals that they want. Don’t buy into any BS when they say they “didn’t know” about character issues. They know. They just are hoping that the hot potato lands on someone else’s lap in the

Correct. Celebrity culture is ultimately what I was referring to.

I’m not trying to tell you how to feel and wouldn’t indulge myself to think that you’d care even if I were.

This kind of reads like someone trying to impersonate Michael Harriot. Or a Michael Harriot piece that went through the photocopier ten times. The piece sings all of the right words, but doesn’t really hit the high notes like normal.

Be careful. Reverse the “us” or mix in a little about “globalists” and this comment would fit right in on Stormfront.

All professional sports (and media) need a talking to.

Not terrible, but not good either.

Worse. But that doesn’t make this okay either. We have to fight it all. Not even for them, but us as the architects to let it happen.

That’s the same excuse that the MAGA media has been using to feed incendiary rhetoric to their constituency for years as well. How did that work out for us all on January 6?

Fuck this dude six ways until Sunday, but you are better than this, Harriot.

At the end of the day, the self/family pardon issue for Trump comes down to one thing, civil suit exposure. Very few men are as publicly enraptured with wealth as him and now he has to pick his pardon (which he’s advised may not hold up anyway) or his money. Money has always insulated Trump from the consequences of

Damn right!