
So, once again, guns should only be for people with excess money? These Democratic proposals for higher taxes on guns and ammunition, your “insurance” scheme...all it does is further exacerbate the unequal distribution of power that the rich hold over the working class.

Owning guns isn’t something that the government can “allow” or “disallow” as you wrote. Owning guns is a right. The difference in rights and privileges are that rights are inherent to man. Driving is a privilege. They can take your license. Being able to practice self-defense is a right. They can’t outlaw guns.

Robbed after a medical emergency?

You seem to have it pretty well figured out even going down to diagnosing many of the individual factors that answers  your own question.

I understand the frustration, but this article ignores two unfortunate points that, in addition to the knife, go along way toward exonerating the officer legally.

Lots of local areas have more strict gun laws than the federal standard (DC among them). There are innumerable stories of people flying or driving somewhere and getting in trouble for it.

The entire country needs gun reform.

Well, that’s because the Proud Boys are more accurately described as a right-wing male chauvinist organization whose membership has a large white supremacist segment, but that doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as easily.

Tuition-free and debt-free seem to be the two terms.

She’s one of those people who are so genetically perfect that it makes you wonder what in the hell happened to yourself.

My grandpa’s 95 year old brother died this week of covid. WWII vet who served on the FDR aircraft carrier.

I didn’t word my initial reply well. I meant to say that his team alleges it and there is at least video of it with the third victim. I am very pro-gun, but would like to see this person face charges as I believe that he was the instigator rather than the victim.

And his defense alleges that the other guy was initiating an attack (alleges 1st victim had a gun and last a skateboard). Some courts have found similar situations to be a lawful use of force situation (Rittenhouse is trying to claim he was in fear for his life or serious injury).

Lol. No one who is truly “pro-gun” calls a semi-automatic rifle an “autoloading” rifle. That term isn’t really used at all in common parlance as it groups together semi-automatic weapons, select-fire weapons and fully-automatic weapons all in one.

That’s not how this work. This kid is a criminal for many reasons, but that isn’t a chain of premeditation.

She clearly isn’t a danger, but I also don’t lament her serving a life sentence for the crime.

A legal system where a prosecutor’s promotion path depends on conviction rate is guaranteed to have these kinds of tragedies. It is never talked about, but must change.

Covid has been so weird. I know most people have more time stuck at home, but I’ve been busier than ever even before election season got into full swing. So that means I haven’t played any of these. Only looking forward to Ghosts of Tsushima from that banal list though.

Meh, guardian ad litems can be great or terrible. I was an emancipated minor and was lucky to have a great one, but knew someone else who had a terrible situation with one. They are just people too, after all.

Politicians don’t have “drivers” unless it is law enforcement. Their body man is called a scheduler. Not to discount your entire story, but it seems odd that someone who had that job would use such a weird term.