
It’s absurd that people like this are more concerned about regulating virtual guns than real ones.

...which he can’t even point to because he insists that (he believes) guns are not the problem

My favorite part is “guns haven’t changed while our culture has”. Pretty sure an assault rifle is very different than a musket.

Why do we need a video game, for example, that encourages people to kill people? Whether it’s lyrics, whether it’s TV shows, whether it’s movies, I’m asking the producers of these products, these video games and these movies, ask yourselves what redemptive value, other than shock value, other than the hope you’ll

I’d love to see a class action suit against every politician who has funneled money into the prison industry under the guise of being “tough on crime.”

Mhmm. The video games are responsible for a culture that fetishizes guns and gun violence, not vice versa.

Saw this earlier this morning. Bevin’s always been a horse’s ass; dude won what should’ve been a shoo-in election for his Democratic rival because a bunch of Dem-registered voters stayed home, assuming he’d get wrecked (I shit you not; I lived in Kentucky at the time).

One of Bevin’s other greatest hits, besides

A. Jack Thompson’s back? Fuck.

Taking things right out of the Medellin playbook. Help the poor, since the government won’t, and they won’t snitch.

He’s right about one thing…

While technically a kidnapping, reports from Brazilian media say the Gomes, a well-known drug dealer, and his crew arrived in black cars at the vaccination post and took the nurses. The nurses told local news outlets that Gomes’ people were not aggressive or threatening, and did not hurt them.

Pablo Escobar used to pull stuff like this all the time. He built schools and hospitals, sponsored soccer teams, he even built low income housing projects.

Read it again. He never says these people actually lived in gang infested neighborhoods.

“parents have told me in gang-infested neighborhoods that children can no longer stand at the bus stop by themselves,”

He does not recall

Considering a member of the terrorist camp that trained Cruz felt safe enough to GO ON TV AND TALK ABOUT TRAINING A SCHOOL SHOOTER, you can’t really blame him for that.

I didnt have any major problems on the pc version, but I installed a few mods to make this game bearable but it still has a lot of design flaws. Especially with how slow some skills increase is ridiculous and then you also have that 1-2sec pickup animation on flowers/shrooms. Not to mention the weapon drawing doesnt

It’s definitely something PC players are likely to put up with and hold tight, but when your disc is on sale on store shelves a whole other standard comes into play.

I should also mention that one of the head developers of the game is a white nationalist who was an active member of the Gamergate hate movement a few years back.

I realize that no launch is without hiccups—hell, we had straight-out broken games back in the 80s and 90s that just never got fixed—but this seems like a particularly egregious clusterfuck for a 2018 release.

Am I missing something, or is this rollout really as poor as it first appears?

(I’m not trying to be snarky