
lmao wtf your answer to Reddick’s accidental pseudo-racist slip here is to spew literally one of the most racist things i have ever read on this site? jfc shit like this is exactly where there is so much animosity between black americans and other minorities. think before you type next time ffs

lol remember when she pissed herself on-stage? this is so much worse

Actually CRTs are still very coveted in the gaming community for their near-instant response times (and relative cheapness compared to 1ms gaming monitors). There are a lot of speedrunners and rhythm game players who still today exclusively use CRTs for that reason alone. I know that I personally would not want to

Lol I literally agree with you, dude. I’m just a goddamn realist because I’ve been watching mass shootings happen since motherfucking Columbine when I was in elementary school, and you know what? Not only have we refused to make progress on gun control in that time, but our gun laws are actually LOOSER now than they

That’s fair enough. You know I actually felt a little bit shitty about how confrontational the original reply was there even before I read yours, because I don’t think it was necessary. If anything, really I am far too reflexively mad any time I feel like I hear a straight person telling me what to do. Chalk it up to

Lol dude come on. There is zero crying from me about any part of this subject. All I wanted to do was offer the perspective that people in China are just as responsible for their racist bullshit as people anywhere else on the planet, regardless of global trends and influences. You seem to think that is somehow me

Here is my rly rly long-winded advice as an unapologetic birth crisis-inducing degenerate faggot:

Lol the only thing I like more than sucking dick is sleeping, and I grew up around one the largest LGBT communities in all of North America. We always have and likely always will call each other “fag”, “faggot”, “homo”, “bitch”, “fruit”, “nelly”, etc., on a near-hourly basis.

You realize that racism exists outside of “White America” right? We are not the progenitors for every single form of ridiculous racist bullshit on Earth, even if we can lay claim to quite a large chunk of it. To somehow act like China should be absolved of its own form of deeply-rooted (and often fucked) notions about

And this is exactly the response I expected. One day of hopes and prayers and then right back to business fucking every single one of us. They are pathetic shitstains and leeches on society. I don’t even consider them human at this point.

Lol literally go die in a public shooting you fucking subhuman waste

Lmao and your brain is not human-grade equipment you stupid fuck

LMAO you want us to compete financially with the NRA? Omg that is too fucking rich. Do you realize just how much fucking money they are tossing around on a daily basis to keep these reps as cucked as possible? And you really think any grassroots org will be able to even put the tiniest scratch on an org that is funded

Counter-counterpoint: you could have sex with many attractive enough escorts a couple of times a month for the rest of your adult life using the money you would otherwise spend paying back that college debt

Fuck this fucking shit world. I can go buy an AR-15 and 1000 rounds of ammunition online right now for HALF THE PRICE of a WEEKEND of in-patient psychiatric treatment at the shittiest hospital in my state. This shit is a daily fucking nightmare.

Wow, that picture of him wearing a Burzum t-shirt is a little much. Vikernes is an admitted murderer who was arrested in France for plotting a large scale terrorist attack with his wife a while back, and then convicted for inciting racial hatred and glorifying war crimes. He’s currently one of the most prominent white

I remember watching an ep of this with my mom who loves even the shittiest of shitcoms (HUGE BBT fan) and smokes almost as much as I do. We both agreed it was one of the worst things that we had ever seen committed to film. I would rather be re-traumatized by marathoning my neighbor’s Faces of Death collection at age

LMAO you think these reptilian fucks are still human?

Republicans need to be removed from society in the same way that you rip a tapeworm from your asshole and flush its disgusting wriggling pale mass down the toilet.

“douched out **promptly**”