
Absolutely. He’s towards the end of a successful NBA career, clearly is prepping for a career afterwards as a media personality (see: the JJ Redick Podcast) and he’s going to out himself as a troll and bigot by “trying to smuggle an insult” towards a hugely important part of the NBA fan base in a league that prides

“I really hate Chinese people. I hate them so much that I’m going to risk alienating the NBA’s fastest growing fan base, my current pocasting side-gig, and any future hopes at a future in media so that I can sneak this insult into a Chinese New Year greetings video that 400 people are probably going to actually watch.

I agree, this article fucking sucks

It’s very hard to watch this video—and especially this video, which zeroes in on Redick’s message—and not wonder whether J.J. Redick is, in fact, trying to smuggle an insult into what is otherwise meant to be a greeting.


What in the actual fuck just happened here?

Come on, man. In Chicago racism is supposed to be expressed through the real estate tax assessment appeals process, not through open bigotry!

Don’t kid yourself. The Chads and Trixies in Lincoln Park. and the bearded hipsters in Wicker park are just as bad. This city is the most segregated in America for a reason and it has nothing to do with the suburbanites.

Not surprised one bit.

You poor Boston racists are always persecuted for your racism. That must suck. You gonna be ok? Do you need your safespace?

Thank you for showing the face of this jerk. I hope her employer’s HR department sees this and fires her racist ass!

Palatine is my guess.

Don’t play dumb. It’s not a good look.

There’s so many true examples of how racist Boston is, why would Deadspin bother to invent any? Seems like a waste of effort.

Probably from Berwyn.

Hey, I live in the city and you can go fu......oh, racist? Yep. You are correct. We bought a house in the only neighborhood we could afford that is close to my wife’s school, and is also the whitest part of the city. I’m white, and even I feel like I don’t fit in. This city has seeeeecretss.......


Here’s a lazily compiled list of Chicago fan incidents in the last 20 years:

Agree with the overall sentiment, but he’s Black Canadian. Pedantic, but it really adds to the idiocy here that people are basically telling A FUCKING CANADIAN that he shouldn’t be playing hockey.

“We are committed to providing an inclusive environment for everyone who attends our games.”