
CRT’s are still great for classic consoles because of lag and all that. Also light gun games.

Anecdote as a counterargument:

I’m telling your mom.

Their minds would be blown away, I still remember when we made the leap from PS1/N64 to PS2/GC/X and everyone thought the graphics were realistic and really hyped about them.

Nah you are both fucking morons

Its a long weekend, you have plenty of time to go fuck yourself. Dont waste it here.

Dear Jamie,

White male hubris at it’s finest. This jabroni is a watered down eugenicist and got all butt hurt when he thought his version of speaking out was protected by rights of him being a brogrammer. I hope his next boss (if he ever gets a job he has to actually go to, not something remote like Fiverr or eLance) is a

- Dumbass creates hostile work environment

That always seems to be the way with people who like to call others snowflakes doesn’t it

Lawyers will do anything for a buck.

Those are lady hands. If he had been born with superior man-hands to match his superior man-brain he would have won or at least had the strength to squeeze the shampoo bottle onto that greasy mop.

And I’m sure he’s wishing he hired a dude lawyer.

He’s the biggest snowflake of them all...suing and whining like a baby because people are calling him out for being an asshole. Shesh.

This guy reminded me of Becky with the bad grades.

Of course they were. They fired your dumb ass because keeping you around after what you said would have opened them up to lawsuits, not because they want to “protect the feelings of triggered snowflakes” above all else.

I had to go back and look and holy shit. So he is trying to overcompensate for something...

Thems some tiny little baby hands. Just sayin.

That look on her face says, “I’m stuck with him until he’s out of money.”

Damore I read about this guy, Damore I hate him.