
It has a lot to do with politician alignment and any honest person knows this. There is a very long history of left wing thinker/voters wanting sane gun control and as well as the politicians. Out of two sides one as tried many times to push the USA in a sane direction closer to what the the rest of the first world

Another day, another shooting.

Congratulations, Americans, you now have two Valentine’s Day massacres to your credit. You must be so proud.


I’m just waiting for the NRA to say “You know, we wouldn’t have these problems with school shootings if there weren’t any kids around.”

I teach at a community college. I regularly think about how my students could hide, exit routes from the classroom and my office, etc. The day someone decides that I, as a professor, need to be armed to teach is the day I will quit.

Also, I can’t imagine a more dangerous scenario than arming a bunch of academics.

I really don’t understand how this happened, because I turned my Thoughts & Prayers™ up to maximum after the last school shooting.

I wonder how long until the news stops bothering to cover school shootings? I read about school shootings more often than I go grocery shopping, I imagine the news is going to get real bored, real fast of covering something that happens on average twice a week.

Now’s a good time to restate: once it was decided that shooting 20-or-so elementary school kids wasn’t enough for change, the door was opened for anything and everything.

C,mon people. Every person shot dead and their dead kids are watering the trees of liberty! They’re patriots dying for the good of Greater America! Let’s honor them with a military parade!

Republicans sure don’t care. They will pretend but they don’t give a shit. I’m talking about the politicians AND the voters. Don’t deny, don’t pretend, don’t bullshit, you actually don’t fucking care. It is because you are shitty human being and the rest of the entire fucking planet knows it and laughs at you. Some

Agree - just totally blank. Cant think of a single thing. I guess if we just make sure bears cant enter the grounds that would be our best option.

Trump: “Thoughts and Condolences”

I work at a school and think through shooting scenarios pretty regularly, whether it’s a paranoia when I see someone in a long coat or with an especially packed backpack, or the countless nightmares I’ve had... it’s on my mind A LOT. So I don’t blame you at all. I think it’s an understandable thought process.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯should replace the bald eagle as our national symbol.

Working at a school I actually had the insane thought the other day that at work more in an administrative area, so I’m less likely to be near anything if a shooting broke out. I was kind of ashamed of myself but not surprised I had taken it into account.

Just another glorious day in the greatest country in the world.

I have to admit, I’m getting pretty numb to these mass shootings. I mean, nothing positive will ever happen to help prevent them in this country, so why even bother to report on them anymore?

Shame there’s literally nothing we could do to prevent school shootings.

“Oh well...”
The NRA.