
Given the facts of the matter, i think they probably started investigating because recording sexual encounters without another person’s permission is illegal. So it wouldn’t matter if she was 100 years old, it’s still a crime.

As much as people focus on the drugs booze often seems to be the bigger danger. I’ve definitely seen alcoholism tank more band/musicians/friendships than drugs over the years.

I am tired of men defining real rape as “the level which I haven’t done to a woman”. The rape definition changes and doesn’t get believed because these men feel guilty as fuck because they knew in their hearts they’ve crossed lines and boundaries. Tarantino sits at home at night and lies to himself he’s not a rapist

Not only did she explicitly say she didn’t want it in her deposition testimony, not only was she drugged, but having sex with a 13 year old is also a crime in France, where Polanski fled, and in Poland, where he was born, (and it was for both of them in the 70s too.)

There are no fucking words after that, none. He’s finished, done. I’ve heard some attempted defences of people over the course of the post-Weinstein saga but never anything so extraordinarily disregarding of what actually happened as this with Tarantino wanting to be a pedant about the legal definition of rape all of

Have fun with HR Odogaron and Betelgeuse. o7

Good. Since the King of Kong movie this has been my impression of Billy Mitchell:

Lube is absolutely essential for a great hand job. The penis doesn’t self-lubricate, you need to use lube to ensure that things go smoothly.

Oh, these are tricks for getting things done alright.

You think a 14-year-old boy doesn’t know about hand jobs..?

Maybe your son would be more comfortable with the “How to Eat Ass” post.

I have a 4 year old Samsung that everybody thinks is a 2 year old Samsung.


Man, FUCK this Kinja

Hmm, not sure why you’d expect such responses. Child pornography and pedophilia have been around for centuries so that shouldn’t be hard to “get.” And his look appears to be quite accessible, bringing together elements of hippie, punk and rap costume; there’s something from every generation’s avant-garde music culture

Story went as follows: genius idiot who launched the campaign had no idea how to deal with chinese suppliers or how expensive it would be to create bespoken mold. Finds a chinese supplier that has a mold for iphone dock. Repurpose it quickly to fix his internals. Ships shitty broken half assed product to backers.

“Redesigning the product” == “Looking for alternatives on alibaba”

I already held no respect for Twin Galaxies. After reading this post, I am significantly happier that they have been so deeply scrutinized, and wish them the worst.

When the database is crap who cares?

Remarkably stupid comment, thank you.

A one-off could be chalked up to an error. But Todd has a litany of highly suspect scores submitted via less than honest means (a friend acting as judge, or even entering his own.)

And a lot of his scores are ridiculously far above the second place entry.