
“Hey, just because my family got to come here legally because of US intervention in our country doesn’t mean everyone else in a similar situation should!”

New publicly solicited articles on NYT:
“Most people don’t like nailing their dick to board. Here’s 12 Americans who do and why they think they’re right.”
“Opinions: These Americans think air is toxic and think you should to.”
“Like not filling your pants with shit? These Americans would like to change your mind.”


Next at 11, morons and assholes have terrible opinions. Stay tuned.

“The New York Times: You subscribed because you bought our ‘Democracy dies in darkness’ line, now we’re gonna make you read this shit.”

Oh the irony of Pham posing in front of a Statue Of Liberty.

But you can literally stay as long as you want under the rules of the sign. If you have five minutes to finish your drink, just say literally at the 4:30 mark, and reset the clock.

That bar didn’t let my black friends in without fail back in the day so fuck them with a rusty rake anyway. Dude in the Raiden hat is one of the grimiest looking people on planet earth. literally.

I know a lot of people here in the US can be confused about the swastika/manji, only remembering the hateful Nazi usage. But it wasn’t always that way in the US:

My bar outlaws condescending douches who start sentences with the pendantic “Actually...”

Its not just used in Japan. Its used all over South and East Asia by different cultures and is an important symbol in three of rhe worlds major religions, including the world’s oldest living religion, Hinduism. To say that a bunch of people of other races have to change their languages and religious symbols because of

I see that point. I also feel that in most senses where literally is used as an intensifier/hyperbolically, it’s obvious in the sentence context.

I could MAYBE see if they were kicking out people who use “literally” in the wrong context, but I’d rather have my bartenders be bartenders than grammarians. But no worries, apparently they won’t be around much longer anyway.

he spent it bankrolling films, which flopped.

Epic levels of financial mismanagement. Typically, people who get thrust into the lime light and given tons of money for doing what amounts to little/no work don’t have the best money management skills.

I think Aruhje’s comment is rather telling though...

It’s about time the symbol is reclaimed for good.

Good. The Japanese shouldn’t have to abandon one of their religious symbols because some white people fucked up and now want to forget the symbol ever existed. Anyone who things otherwise is a fucking idiot and can go fuck themselves.

When in 1977 Syberberg wrote in his masterpiece Hitler: A Film from Germany (aka Our Hitler) how one of the enduring nazi victory is how some words and images are long-lastingly tainted, I wonder if he imagined that 4 decades later it still would be the case.

“We have been using this symbol for thousands of years before it was incorporated into the Nazi flag, so I believe it would be better for us to keep it on our maps and ask others to understand its true meaning”

There really should be some kind of educational move to teach westerners about swastikas in a much larger context. As much as we like to play dumb, most of our stupidity is farce that lets us get away with being culturally-illiterate-but-lovable.

This would also kill two birds with one stone and eradicate the need for