
If you’ve missed it, you’re lucky. I mean, you’ve never seen the, “TLJ is anti-white male SJW-propaganda!1!!!!”comments?

I wish I was lonely. That would mean I actually got time to myself. No sir, I live with my wife and THREE daughters.. All ages 10 and under. I’d KILL for loneliness. I get maybe a little time before work and everyone wakes up and that’s about it.

God that Luke milk thing is one of the my favorite things in any movie ever. The look on his face when he drinks it, oh my god I die thinking about it. So much gumption.

One of the reddit posts about this is pretty funny:

The skeleton looks like the Carthus Swordsman Skeleton. And the “lesser demon” was probably a prototype version of the Demon Prince.

Social worker here. You’d be surprised how shitty state agencies run when it involves the health and welfare of children. I would encourage you to look up Danieal Kelly. One of the most extreme cases of neglect I’ve read about. I seriously reconsidered working with kids after reading about the case. Also, you’ll going

That’s Extremely Worrying: The US School System

Nothing says “sane” like yelling at the world about how crazy everyone is.

“Not wanting other races and cultures to invade your culture doesn’t mean I hate their race. Just means I don’t want their cultures invading mine,”

Markle’s “seed” will “taint our royal family,”

He’s a 96-year-old aristocrat. What the hell is her excuse?

Capcom did a beta for Street Fighter V before it came out, which ended up being completely datamined, as well as modified so people could play it offline, essentially allowing people to pirate the game before it even officially released.

Fucking sucks

From the article:

I HAVE a fantastic grampa. He’s still kicking, but he’s 96 and really frail, but still able to ride his bike daily, and sneak a fucking Marlboro Red thinking nobody is aware he is sneaking a cigarette once a day. He’s got his recliner, his books, and his television with CNBC and MSNBC lol. Then his nature shows, loves

Since you couldn’t be bothered to confront your ignorance:

Go on, have a read.


This will get you started on your path of learning.

“Maybe we should’ve added “racist marketing at the expense of African Americans” to our list of things to leave in 2017, because H&M kicked off the new year by inciting mass rage Sunday, when an image on its website featured an African-American child model in a sweatshirt labeled “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle.””