
You aren’t contributing anything to society as a mid level marketing manager you dipshit.

“If I knew back then what I know now, I would have never played football”

So then why do you come onto Deadspin/Kotaku and read this article? Deadspin is a site for sports, which objectively contribute absolutely nothing to society if we go by your metric then as well. Or you came from Kotaku, which is dedicated to video games. In the first case you enjoy watching sports in the same way

Here’s the thing about being the very best like no one ever was. You have to sacrifice alot. Like, ALOT. So, by the time you get to the top and stay on the top, you will be watching the other things that others take for granted come and go and realise that you have missed the window to enjoy them yourself.

Who put you in charge of deciding all this?

I think the number of legitimate above-board poker games, in all of history, determined by the dexterity of the participants is hovering very near zero.

Please give me the stats you’re using for e-sports. I’d love to see them. Truth is not every gamer is trying to go for the pros. And theres no infrastructure to measure or help with that.

That is almost always followed up with “I have tons of black friends”. Doesn’t matter what race or ethnic group is being discussed.

Your comments here make you seem to be bitter and hollow. There are much less spiteful ways to argue how much a child should play video games. Especially on a video game website.

Didn’t say he was my hero or anything of the sort, just pointing out that players do succeed in life, when you were insinuating otherwise. And pushing buttons competitively is worse somehow in your mind than say sitting in a shitty 9-5 all day doing accounting work slamming a keyboard numpad or something of that sort?

Well let’s see, more than 80 million people watched a semifinals game this year for League, a League streamer made $2,000,000 last year, and the North American LCS for League of Legends just franchised with 3 different NBA teams investing more than $20,000,000 this year. But yeah, I’m sure compared to these

And yet a necessity for much of the white collar world.

I mean, healthier than the concussions and dying young (relatively) that professional NFL players have a tendency towards.

My dad use to take the power cord to the PC to work with him when I stayed home sick or when I acted up. Little did he know they were a dime a dozen and pretty universal with everything.

People do it everyday sitting in cubicles working 9-5.

Healthy? Probably not. Profitable? Hell yeah.

At this point I’d be more worried about any potential kids of mine turning into one of those idiot jabroni Youtube vloggers getting famous off of doing stupid shit as opposed to merely becoming a pro gamer.

The Far Side prophesy is coming true!

A white man could fly a jet into a skyscraper and he’d be “A victim of GPS recalculation.”