
a very talented r&b singer and guitar player who has been making in houst studio moves for years prior to blowing up upon changing his name...

it’s not cool to discount black music justcuz you’re uncomfortable with the name, and it’s very lame to do a “whatever THAT is” when you have google at your employ 24/7. Be

Also wanted to point out a little detail that also went unmentioned:

The guy who’s picture is in the first tweet, was born Christopher Sanborn, but changed his name to Mukhande Singh. Seriously, holy fucking shit.

Come to my new website for all of your water and investing needs:

UGH, right? If only suicidal people would just stop and think clearly for a minute!

Tours used to be cheaper because originally they were just promotion for new albums. Nowadays it’s the other way around. The tours are the moneymakers and the new music is just an incentive to keep you going.

I used to go to concerts all the time when I was younger. I don’t go anymore because it’s all too damn expensive. I have no problem sitting in the nosebleeds (I actually prefer it) but some of the ones I’ve been interested in lately are $50+ for nosebleed seats. Multiply that times two, add the taxes and fees, add in

The 1989 tour was also a stadium tour....

Apparently the Documentary Now! episode (DRONEZ: The Hunt for El Chingo, which is hilarious and very worth watching if anybody hasn’t seen it yet) was actually taking it too easy on these assholes

These guys founded a company with Gavin McInnes, jerkwad founder of Proud Boys.

Vice has a lot of great reporting, but Jesus fucking Christ with these guys—one of the co-founders is a neo-Nazi, they had Terry Richardson under their employ for years, they had that asshole who conspired with Milo Yiannpoolous to terrorize a woman. They’re fucked up.

It seems to me that filming in that location is already morally wrong. Not only is it disrespectful to those who have passed away, but there’s always a chance something like this will happen.

Someone complaining Kotaku isn’t covering enough games? Must be a day that ends in a “y”

TIL: Reporting on factual events = misrepresentation.

And, as a bonus, Kotaku, a site that describes itself as covering “games and gamer culture,” should evidently not cover YouTube, many of whose biggest names make their living by either playing, reviewing, or commenting upon games.

Insert “The More You Know.GIF” here.

Not just laughing at his own crew/friend for being disgusted with the situation,

This asshole in two legs.

Because he’s a massive cunt.

“This is not clickbait. This is the most real vlog I’ve ever posted to this channel”

I didn’t do it for views. I get views. I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple on the internet.

The gesture isn’t racist, and it can be used by racists to convey something specific. Is that the case here? Who knows. Ambiguity is why they choose stuff like the OK gesture; it provides plausible deniability and an opportunity to eye roll and say “everything is racist now, smdh.”

This is one of my all-time faorite comments. Kotaku needs more people like you.