
no, actually i don’t.

Hey now. We have never claimed to have a soul.

We tend to have several; you can tell by the number of freckles on our faces/arms—as we accumulate the wailing, terrified souls of our enemies, we mark their consumption with a freckle.

Particularly well-traveled/aged gingers can sometimes appear to be nothing more than a

I would watch a live feed of this editor working in real time. Seriously.

“have you ever seen the people at a trump rally?”

I don’t think he’s mentally ill - he’s just milking the schtick for money. He lost his funding from the Mercers, so he’s on the revenue hunt.

Someone should write a book about Trump and call it “ Citation Needed”.

Holy shit, and I thought my dissertation was poorly written. Maybe it’s not a good idea to give a huge advance to someone who is only famous for being an asshole?

Wow. This has me at the point where I feel sorry for this individual for harboring so much hate. He’s gotta be mentally ill, right? Because this is not healthy.

I’m dying of laughter over here. This is the perfect exclamation point for Steve Jobs’ philosophy.

I say the same thing about Bell over here in Canada.

Have you heard of a small company called Tesla?

Everybody knows this is Kaepernick’s fault and it has NOTHING to do with folks getting sick of seeing football on Thursday night, Sunday morning at 9 a.m., Sunday at noon, Sunday at 3, Sunday at 8, sometimes Saturdays, or not wanting to see guys concussed, gruesome bone-breaks, or boring games due to too many teams

The filmmakers must have sourced their Hot Wheels track pieces from every toy store in the tri-state area

Why is it stopping? Because tweets are trash now.

We should all follow the Library of Congress’s lead and give up on Twitter.

Why shouldn’t they? By the name I’m assuming the guy is jewish, doing a take on an obviously supposed to be black person. Leroy Jenkins is a stereotypical “black” name. Add in the line about the chicken, and its plainly racist.

It’s basically what happens when companies try to sell performance oriented products to a male demographic. They all start trying to appeal to everyone’s inner 8-year old looking for playground bragging rights. Look at performance cars - every car comes with all sorts of extra badging, your Cosworth XR5, GTi, GTX,

It’s even funnier on the opposite end of the spectrum. “How do we market a computer for people who know nothing about computers?” Said the marketing manager in a board room meeting. “HP Thinkbook. It helps you think gooder.” His colleague replied. “Perfect. Print it. Sell it.”

The way America is currently trying to reckon with its unspoken realities of abuses of power against racial, sexual and gender minorities…I wish gamers would have that sort of community soul seeking endeavor. Painful and violent and with gnashing of teeth though it may be, I think we owe it to ourselves and the world

It’s amazing people are so shocked that this was staged. Wait til they find out it was also racist!