
Every G7 state has socialist aspects to their economy. Our economy is a blend of capitalism and socialism. The jury is certainly out on whether we’d be categorized as “functional,” I concede.

Oh, sure, he’s cool when he had jazz cigarettes. But when I break out polka pcp at a party, everyone thinks it’s terrible

Until this story broke, I thought TJ Miller was that BMX Guy who once hosted MTV’s The Challlenge

My favorite genre of conspiracy theorists are the guys who are in so deep that they start believing in conspiracies that require the acceptance of other conspiracies that are vaguely based on an idea from another conspiracy and so on. They’re like 8 degrees of separation away from an actual piece of evidence that it’s

Next they’ll try and call into question cuMBlaster696969's analysis of the Saudi coalition against the Houthi rebels.

Well, if a poster on 4chan known only as “Q” can’t be trusted, who can?

There are two main factions that use “globalism” as a slur: anti-Semites, for whom the word “globalism” is a stand-in for “Judaism,” and batshit Christians for whom “globalism” more or less exactly equates to the “Late, Great Planet Earth/Left Behind” Book of Revelations cinematic universe.

Sounds ambitious, right?

As cool of a concept it is, having a paid game with a perma-permadeath system is an easy way to self-destruct right before you ever go golden.

EATER is offensive? I’m officially old as I guess I can’t keep up with the yoof anymore.

I think it’s actually a reference to certificate of deposit accounts. Have you seen the interest rates on them lately?


“Somehow, a new player-created holiday became a story about conflict, betrayal and the disappearance of an entire civilization.”

So, they invented Thanksgiving?

I’d be more outraged if D2 exotics were exciting to get in the first place.

“Time for something new,” yet the story goes on with mini Vader/Solo/Skywalker, original Chewie, Luke as Obi Wan, and two factions that are lesser versions of the same thing from the original trilogy.

For all this movie’s talk about leaving the past behind and being open to new things, it did nothing but cling to the

And the director failed at making a good movie... very meta.

I get what the director was trying to do, but the problem is that he did it at the expense of established characterization and common logic.

I can’t stand milk, so don’t even try that shit on me.

“I never listen to Foxnews, I get my info straight from 4chan.”

How the fuck do you get banned from Encyclopedia Dramatica? That site is devoted to being as offensive and shocking as possible. I assumed being a reasonable sane human was a bannable offense. What did he do, describe his evil plan in detail?