
I don’t mean to come across as crass but this title makes no sense to me. You are literally doing that. Like I mean I get it why all y’all still watch the game but don’t sit there and act like these players are just now suddenly more in danger or you haven’t been suffering from a collective cognitive dissoance because

Junior Seau was where it started to turn for me. By the time the League of Denial Frontline special came out, it was easy to finally stop completely.

I had to stop watching this year. The NFL’s denial of CTE injuries was a big part of it, as was the blatant Kaepernick shunning. Combine that with their seeming tolerance of domestic violence issues, and I just couldn’t justify it any more.

VSB isn’t Deadspin and you completely missed the point

For the longest time, the media acknowledged the truth, that the part of the game everyone got the most amped up about was the moments where it was most violent. The massive hits and collisions.

Ah, but what if they got a seatbelt for the brain?

There are no cars that “take all the damage in an accident.” The brain has room to rattle around inside the skull, and no matter what you put around the outside of the head, absorbing a lot of force (from colliding with either a car or a linebacker) is going to make it rattle.

Former soldier here. I care, even though I never went to the academy. My father-in-law (former sailor) and I have been blasting each other texts and memes all week as we always do in the run up.

for a long time I thought warframe was a competitive hero shooter, like overwatch. Turns out after finding out in a silly way, its really what i wanted destiny to be, a fun flexible space opera game with borderline superheroes. the weapon variety is amazing, the art is a really strong geigerish organic alien vibe, and

Had I been the First Responder, I would have plugged that fucker in and hit “Potato.”

Just so we’re clear...you don’t want YouTube controlling what you can and can’t see, but you want there to be a law defining what Fire Departments can and can’t say?

They were tied up from someone who could have been in genuine harm that wasn’t of their own doing.

doesn’t matter how stupid the victim is.

That’s your take? A guy voluntarily sticks his head in a microwave, fills it with an expanding, hardening substance, and then films it with the intention of profiting from it... and you come away from all of that saying that the FIRE DEPARTMENT should be ashamed of themselves for calling out his idiocy?

That’d kind of where in at. This shit is dumb as all hell, but the alternative is a racist child molester.

And the fact that Hillary got millions more votes because Sanders didn’t know the South had primaries.

I’ve heard and read so many white Democrats try to shame blacks who didn’t show up to vote in the election. When I explain that black turnout was down because the Democrats ignored the black constituency, the general answer was “Well at least they’re not Republicans. Dems had to go for the working class whites!”

While it might not be racist, it is certainly racist adjacent.