
Whatever comes next, I’m hoping its science fiction. They’ve been killing it in Medeival fantasy and Victorian gothic, let’s see what Miyazaki can do with robots & lasers.

“I didn’t mean for me!” underlies a shocking amount of conservative philosophy.

You’re being facetious. Clearly the Western values they’re referring to are the Christian values which... which originated in the...

Tells you how they feel about their children.

Yes, the Roy Moore lady on CNN was a piece of work.

this reminds me of that part in The Handmaid’s Tale where Serena Joy is forced to throw out the books SHE WROTE on conservative values because the culture that SHE CREATED does not allow women to read. these women are literally creating their own oppressors.

Angry racist white women upset their dating pool is limited to angry racist bitter white guys.

Tagame exclusively makes work for gay men, so I sincerely doubt that he’s who you are thinking of. I’ve read just about everything he’s done, and I can’t think of a single instance of something related to “loli”.

It happens all the time with people who are intellectually disinterested but want to sound smarter than they are, not just cops. I knew the head of an agency once who was like this - she wanted to sound like she knew all the cutting edge buzzwords, but she didn’t understand them and couldn’t be bothered to learn. So

Nah, my fam is wonderful people. All the racist shit I heard and emulated as a kid was from friends. Don’t make assumptions.

Weber will just get hired quietly by another police department. The police always look after their own.

Not necessarily. Parents are certainly a strong candidate to look to in these cases, but they aren’t the only ones. Kids, especially teens, go astray from their parents all the time. Maybe they got involved in the wrong message board and became radicalized, maybe they fell in with the wrong friends, maybe they came

Apparently, being afraid is a fundamental aspect of being a police officer. Afraid of that kid? Shoot on sight. Though you smelled weed? Terminate with prejudice. Got called somewhere and there’s only a black person when you arrive? Better them than you? Somebody clue you in on good info? Get them kicked the fuck out.

It’s a very cop thing to do.

small penis mindset strikes again. Tiny pinga terror

I racially and sexistly slurred”

I have no trouble believing that this guy also talks like this.

Ridiculous, how will they win games then? Where are your priorities?

I personally have never met a slave, therefore slavery doesn’t exist and never did.

If the school really wants to communicate that this behavior is unacceptable, they could start by kicking any player involved in the incident off the basketball team. That would be far more consequential than requiring an essay.

“Most people that I know have never accused the police of violence. So I guess I don’t get where that statistic comes from.”