
LMAO you think these reptilian fucks are still human?

Republicans need to be removed from society in the same way that you rip a tapeworm from your asshole and flush its disgusting wriggling pale mass down the toilet.

“douched out **promptly**”

I can’t believe the editor of the NYT actually let this shit fly. That is one of the single grossest arguments I have ever heard in my entire life and it’s so intellectually and morally vacant that it blows my fucking mind. I would say that I hope the author is ashamed of himself for writing this, but I genuinely

Thank fucking god. Anyone with a brain has been able to tell for years that Twitch’s toxic manbaby culture was not going to work out if Twitch actually wanted to expand its audience. I’m so glad that douche streamers won’t be able to hide behind the “But it’s my audience, not me!” bullshit anymore. Force these

I call bullshit. Other big channels like TriHex, CirnoTV, Lirik and DansGaming seem to have very little trouble with this - because they MODERATE and set a tone for their audience.

Fuck them again

“She was scared. I was scared. It was horrifying trying to put her in the toilet. I was emotional. I was crying. I sat there for a good 10 minutes crying in the stall,” says Aldecosea.

Lol this is pretty sweet. I would play every game with my IIDX controller if I could.

Darling In The Franxx appears to have something to say about teenagers trying to understand their burgeoning sexuality, though it’s not yet clear if the thesis is much deeper than “puberty is difficult.

Goddamn, you really are a worthless fucking piece of a trash. Enjoy your miserable life. Hope it ends soon.

Like I said, you readily admit to not understanding and you still want to judge it. But feel free to be as full-on dumbass as you want. Nobody gives a fuck what you think now and they never will in the future, either. You’re just too stupid for this shit lol

Yes, you should fucking kill yourself. If you wish death on other people because you are too self-centered to imagine that there could be any value to anything in life outside of that which you attribute to it, you should fucking end it because you are a stain on the rest of us. You are a piece of actual shit and

Graduation Equivalency Diploma. It’s supposed to be equivalent to a high school degree (hence the name), but generally it’s seen as being not much better than dropping out. I know first-hand after being court-ordered to get mine, too, although for much less disgusting reasons lol.

every comment ITT:

Holy shit the amount of hate from lame-ass elderly fucks in this thread is staggering. You hope they die from an OD because they make music that you’re literally too old to understand? If you’re just gonna get more bitter from here on out, it’s probably time to end it all you miserly piece of shit. At least then the

And you’re the one who gets to decide what’s “dumb” and what isn’t, right? Based on what criteria? The completely arbitrary guidelines that some other people decided on which you then proceeded to accept as a non-negotiable standard?

Fuck the New York Times and the Washington Post. They’re both centrist shitrags owned by nepotized billionaire trash that regularly give platforms to complete idiots in the name of “fairness”, and to make matters even worse, they both also seem to somehow believe that they’re actually respected enough to charge

you’ve always been able to smoke on twitch stream as long as you don’t explicitly say some shit like, “DAMN THIS SCHEDULE 1 DRUG I’M SMOKING FROM MY $600 DAB RIG IS FUCKING DANK AND I’M GETTING EXTREMELY HIGH RIGHT NOW GUYS!!!!” just use rolled weed or a vape pen and nobody will give a shit. it’s not like they can

Yes that’s why they use the term “lolicon” (or ‘lolita complex’) to describe art that is distinctly about sexualizing very young girls, right? Nothing to do with the way the rest of the world sees it, correct?