
Lol you’re sooo full of shit. Gothic lolita is specifically about emulating a childish, doll-like style of dress. It’s most often used in the designs of small, child-like characters for a reason. It has literally EVERYTHING to do with little girls.

Now if only this game didn’t have a shit-tier microtransaction scheme I would actually care. Hearing there’s a new Overwatch skin that looks cool is like hearing the Powerball is at a new high. I’ll let some other naive dumbass waste their time and money trying to get something worthwhile out of it all.

“Big-budget”? I think not lmao. The primary running gag of both the entire manga and now the anime is that it’s done lazily as hell with zero respect for the audience. That’s an intentional shit directly on the concept of over-worked, underpaid (and miserable) artists - bkub openly brags about how little he actually

I’ll prolly get shit for this but whatever. I have a ton of sex toys of varying sizes, and I do have an interchangeable male/female doll torso, too (no space or money for anything larger). You are right when you say that I am not willing to engage in the emotional labor required for real sex. But that’s not because

Yes he was a typical rich person. He destroyed other people’s lives just so he could feel powerful for a moment in time. The absurd and pointless accumulation of wealth that someone like Bill Gates, Oprah, Home Depot franchisees or Richard Sherman have decided to undertake is far more damaging to society than even the

Tbh I would probably kill myself within a year if my access to MMJ was cut off. I can’t go back to using anxiety medications and anti-psychotics that turn me into a drooling idiot - that’s not living, and neither is dealing with endless spiraling thoughts by crying on the floor for hours.

Report says he made like $70k worth of payments to the Philippines in the days leading up to the attack, which I’m guessing is where the massive stash of child porn came from (they said several hundred images). Seems like he tried to figure out how to destroy the hard drive which contained the shit as well but

There is literally nothing I hate on this Earth more than a crew of goddamn internet detectives. Fucking awful hive mind bullshit and a decent enough reason to limit old people’s access to the internet imo.

I think most people are satisfied with the idea that the molestation story is true based on the well-known fact that he, you know, sexually groomed and then married another one of his adopted children from a young age. That kind of influences people’s perception of the guy, maybe just slightly...

All these listings in Texas should be taken with a boulder of salt. I spent most of my life there and, honestly, if someone has a family and isn’t making well over $60k then they are living in virtual poverty regardless of what their income states. It’s the shittiest place I have ever lived or worked. Probably 2/3 of

Can I ask why? Like, what are they doing to your life that makes you hate them? Nobody is forcing you to watch them. Nobody cares if you like or dislike them. They are literally existing in a space that has zero effect on you. If they want to make money streaming on Twitch and they also just happen to have

Tbh I’m just jealous of anyone who actually got to play a match. I never made it past the initial network error, which more or less killed my hype for this game completely when coupled with the god-awful DLC model.

Ok man, if you want to live your life out as a diaper-shitting, tantrum-throwing moron that can’t accept even the most basic scientific facts about the world around them, then that’s your call. Good luck living that life, though. It’s the most intensely pathetic and insecure way a human being could choose to live, but

Why are you so insecure about this? Does it hit some kind of nerve with you? Might you be dealing with some of your own repressed gender issues by lashing out at others? Because that’s what it looks like to me.

I mean nothing I posted has anything to do with a person’s mental state whatsoever. This is basic biology and it’s hard science. If that’s scary for you for some reason, maybe you are the one with the issue?

About 1 in 1500 people are born intersexed, and cannot be definitively called either him or her. So, yeah, there are millions of people out there.

Sorry to burst your bubble there but, brain chemistry aside, that’s not even true on a basic biological level. Something like 1 in 1500 people are born intersexed. They are neither he nor she, and many other people who may seem externally male or female are genetically neither XX or XY, making them also ambiguous.

lol if they leave the multiplayer mechanics entirely untouched, a lot of people who didn’t play DS1 are in for a rude awakening. you are about to get fucking destroyed by nerds who literally never stopped playing DS1 this entire time. plus with 6 players, invasions are going to be completely savage. i’m already wet tbh

Right? I would be much more worried about other gamers making my kid a worthless idiot than games themselves.

Lmao your argument is that games are bad cuz kids won’t do their homework in high school? Like oh no, they might forget how to do algebra and trig a year before everyone else does! As if higher education even does a damn thing beyond putting you in life-long debt these days...