
Fuck dating and relationships. Some people are just too fucked up for this shit and I am one of them. My last attempt (almost 7 years ago now) was with a literal psychopath and it ended in abortion plus an extended stay in the psych ward. I immediately lost all interest in romance afterwards and it has never come

A lack of control? Considering the Proud Boys’ pledge to never masturbate unless it is within 50 yards of a female so as they do not waste their precious sperm, I think the problem might be the inverse here. They are hyper-neurotic, sexually repressed psychopaths, and that makes them far more stupid and dangerous than

I played the shit out of D1 for all 3 years. I deleted D2 from my harddrive about two weeks after release to make room for something else. I’m done with the game and so is everyone I know who used to play D1. And now every time I see these “scandals” pop up, it just re-affirms my decision to stay the fuck away from

I think the fact that the game is incredibly cheap with its difficulty, but it also allows the player to simultaneously be even cheaper via the mushroom system, is the coolest thing about it. Some bosses and encounters feel literally impossible until you get the right combination of mushrooms, and then they are a

I think Let It Die is the most interesting F2P game I have ever played. I don’t really like playing it that much because it’s so frustrating and grindy after the 20th floor or so, but I think it is still very special. The fact that the game’s primary motif is a dung beetle was the first thing that struck me, because

So wait, you are willing to make a distinction between “human” and “Western” values for things that you dislike, but not for things that you like? How do you fucking dress yourself in the morning?

Honestly, Bloodborne’s dash mechanic is not incredibly dissimilar to a short jet boost. And weapons like the Gatling Gun, Moonlight Sword and Beast Cutter feel like they were torn straight out of an AC game. Just make it a mech instead of a hunter and make everything lasers instead of steel and you are already 90% of

Tagame doing loli is probably the funniest manga-related sentence I’ve ever read. He makes hardcore bara with a very heavy S&M focus. An average scenario for his stuff would be something like, “Giant buff straight man commits crime, is placed into pillory, gets raped repeatedly by even gianter-buffer men using steel

Lol fucking kill yourself in public you worthless piece of shit. Not procreating is a selfish act? Homosexuality should be considered a moral imperative when we live in a world that is so fucking filled with stupid goddamn breeders like yourself. You think your ugly-ass retarded fucking kids are making the world a

They should just remove the stupid “one-at-a-time” limit on exotics if they refuse to actually make them meaningful in any way. Then players could have fun figuring out different synergies at least.

Obviously people who are complaining are interested. They were interested enough to buy the damn game, and are now still interested enough to complain about the experience. They want it to be better and are voicing their discontent. If you don’t like reading it, maybe get the fuck out of the comments? Like have you

“Tank class”? Are you kidding me right now? Do you actually know how much more HP you get from maxing Armor in D2? It’s completely negligible. It might even be more useless than Agility, which is saying quite a bit.

And THAT is like saying that FPS games are a gateway to spree killing. Do you assume that every person who enjoys horror movies also wants to watch people get gored on Liveleak? I’m a CSA survivor and I can easily make the separation between reality and fantasy here, and honestly could not give a shit less about

Okay but what if every time I try and clear my mind of thoughts, even worse thoughts than the ones that previously inhabited it pour in? So it’s like an endless decline that always reaches the “suicidal/homicidal” stage within 4-5 minutes, tops? Do you think this is still a good strategy? Thanks in advance for your

Yes my happiness is mostly in electronics so it is absolutely built by little things - those little things being children trapped in Foxconn factories. Without them, I wouldn’t have my smartphone and its mindfulness tracking apps. Stay positive and practice meditation, fellow beneficiaries of terrible suffering!

Yes, because I refuse to waste my time configuring bullshit instead of actually playing games there must be something wrong with me. I hate it when PC players refuse to acknowledge that PC gaming requires enjoying using a PC to be a fun hobby. Guess what? I fucking hate computers. They make me want to kill myself on a

lol sorry but if you’re an undecided voter in america you’re an actual idiot. like literally you should just not vote at all because anyone who can’t tell which side they’re on when things are so absurdly polarized is functionally brain-dead.

Humor is not just about making fun of something. It’s a tool used to disarm people so we can then discuss subjects that would otherwise be taboo. So making jokes about rape or child molestation or racism is not only okay but is something that should be encouraged, as long as it’s not written in a tone-deaf way and has

Gonna be booting up my JP PS4 account and getting some action in on PSNow before the game goes. I suggest anyone out there like me who no longer has a PS3 does the same while they still can (assuming you know the game well enough to play in Japanese of course lol).

Unfortunately I don’t think that’s in the cards. This is probably the end for DeS. The international publishing situation with the game is a total nightmare. The fact that it’s been available as a PSNow game for PS4 players in Japan for YEARS and nowhere else should tell you enough.