
Sorry I’m calling bullshit. You don’t arrive at ideas like “kick anyone who doesn’t look like me out” without being a racist asshole.

I think you’re slightly misunderstanding what the guy was saying. He is not saying that WN need to be more accepted, he is literally asking why so many of them are full-blown morons. He is trying to say that these people need to settle down and have white families and “be normal” instead of... what the fuck ever

I’m white trash as fuck and I grew up around these people. Forget the confederate flag - of the kids in my trailer park used to have a dad that hung a giant SS flag in his garage. Blunt racism was considered normal. I found this out the hard way when my mom started dating black guys and got her van spraypainted with

I used to sub to the Post. But I got so sick of their “show both sides” bullshit where they bring in senile fucks to write columns from a conservative POV. The amount of actual garbage they have published as a result of this moronic approach to journalism is just too much for me. They can fuck themselves, cuz I know

Anglin is such a fucking joke. There are pictures somewhere floating around of him from high school. He had dreads, a do-rag and a fucking hacky-sack. These types of nice-guy douches always turn out to be fucking insane later in life once they realize that nobody is falling for their bullshit. Notice the guy profiled

Lmao a billionaire doing good with their money? How the fuck do you think they became a billionaire in the first place? Anyone whose worth more than $750k deserves to die and suffer horribly in the process, preferably publicly. They can never do actual “good” because they’re nothing but leeches on the rest of us,

Japanophilia is HIGHLY common in WN circles. They view Japan as the shining example of what a “pure” ethnostate can achieve, glorify its xenophobic and sexist laws, and generally place it on this weird pedestal as one of the last bastions against multiculturalism and feminist ideology. They also are able to view it as

This is exactly what’s going on. I used to browse Stormfront and Daily Stormer often, and they spent A LOT of time trying to attract autistic and mentally ill kids, because they know they’re an easy target. All many of these poor kids want is a fucking friend, and these WN and alt-right groups are happy enough to let

Bronies tame as wonder bread? Wasn’t that supermarket shooter a hardcore MLP fanboy?

LOL finally this is getting picked up on. Here are the Wolves of Vinland, a gay, all-male “rewilding” cult that live in the woods here in the PNW. They’re notorious for creating multiple shitty NSBM bands and just generally being as offensively stupid as fucking possible in every situation they end up in. There was a

Lol quit being such a fucking weeb. You’re the one who doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about. I hate it when people come out with this ignorant-ass image of Japan being some sort of utopia of acceptance or what the fuck ever when there could be nothing further from the truth. You literally did nothing with

Am I the only one who sees “Nanolube” there? Is that an actual sponsor, or is that the man himself? I went to the website to check and honestly I can’t tell.

From what I understand, a plane CAN fly over it. But there are two compounding factors here:

And don’t forget the reason why they are so successful - he has devoted himself to making sure his music is accessible and appropriate for basically any audience. I feel like many people don’t realize just how difficult it is to write actual, good comedy that is still family-friendly. You can’t just lean in on sex or

As someone who has been to both the Voodoo Donuts in PDX and Austin, I would rather eat drywall

Man I tried so hard to find CEO David Dohrmann’s Twitter account so people could see just how smug this fucking asshole is, but I think he actually fucking deleted himself in the past few days. He used to have a close-up picture of his disgusting orange-ass face with a toolio haircut and the bio was like, “Health nut,

Is this a new rule? Cuz getting flunked for telling fat-ass losers what they were seemed to be a common occurrence at my high school...

$100 this dude is completely full of shit and trying to impress his Facebook friend like all fat pink assholes do. Also I love how in his story he makes it out like he “beat” the kids when in IRL he is the one who had to bitch out:

Lol she says “I want to do so many things!” Quit lying, you don’t want to DO anything. That’s why you don’t.