F. Thot Fitzgerald

I’ll download it just to find the places I should avoid.

Precisely. Freedom of speech to them also means the freedom to say any vile thing that crosses their minds as well as freedom from consequences and personal responsibility.

I’m doing the same. I’ve also been pointing out that if they have no control over what show their ads appear on (which I don’t buy) then they should pull from the network entirely. Anything less is to tacitly associate themselves with this bullshit rhetoric. 

I mean, it’s not as dramatic as I make it sound. It’s just annoying to see the things family members who came from those places were proud of get co-opted for a shitty message. My mother’s dad was apparently a second-generation Irish immigrant. He actually fought in WWII, but unfortunately took his own life after

Oh that’s The Right Honorable Chuckles Gervaise Arbuthnot. He’s my Aunt Lavinia’s third husband. Sometimes I summer with them in Spain.

Lmao more or less. The only quote I know that uses one of those groups and the word “civilization” is what my (Scottish) great grandmother apparently always used to say.

I like how they’re so eager to decry religious extremists for any religion aside from Christianity. 

It’s code for “keep away ethnic/religious minorities/atheists/gays/loose women or whatever the current conservative boogeyman is”.

They’ve been co-opting some Celtic and Scottish/Irish imagery as of late, too. As someone who has Scottish and Irish heritage and likes viking metal I am livid.

I eagerly await seeing some dude light his Mitsubishi ablaze.

Deeply, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart...what the fuck.

I wish he’d just try Craigslist and truck stops like the rest of us and stop making his shitty opinions known on social media.

He perpetually looks like a bloated, more petulant version of this meme

Something with Ivanka Trump’s name on it is useless and empty of real meaning? That sounds so unlike her!

A 50-year old “princess”. Ye gods.

Except for dogs. Especially the Labradors.

I’m already planning on responding to every single one of his advertisers “Happy Women’s day” posts asking them if they still plan on supporting Tucker Carlson who has called women “basic” and “primitive”, “whores” and worse.

Is it a way to minimize the experiences of women by saying “well, could be worse so what are you complaining about?”

Hah! It’s been so long since I’ve read it (sneakily in book stores iirc because I was “too young” to be purchasing stuff like that). I’ll have to get a copy of my own, finally. But yeah, coffee and swearing sounds about right. :P